"I don't know how to explain it exactly." Ivy joined them on the grass, sitting cross-legged with her hands in her lap. "Even when I tried to shut the magic out, I felt them. I can't talk to them and have an actual conversation, but I can tell when they've been hurt. It's stronger with plants I've called upon, so like my vines or singular things. If I were to touch that oak tree over there, I could likely tell you its history."

"So that's why you're so protective of your shop, especially when I'm around," Ella mused from her spot on her belly. She adjusted her head so that it was now in the middle of them. "If anything were to happen to your shop..."

"I'd be devastated, figuratively and literally," Ivy finished for her. "If you did burn those vines, it's as if you burned a piece of me. Granted, I wouldn't actually be burning, but I would get that uncomfortable pain."

"That's actually very interesting." Aura tilted her head and smiled. "I wonder if Cassie knew."

"I don't think she did." Ivy shook her head, the curls bouncing around. "We had made some progress, but we didn't get into that. She was teaching me how to call upon the plants and essentially communicate. I don't think she realized there was a sense of empathy that came with the connection."

"Either way, we're keeping that tidbit under wraps." Ella pointed emphatically at her. "We'll tell Marina, but no one else. That even means Hunter."

"Elllllaaa," Ivy whined, crossing her arms across her chest and pouting.

"I'm serious, Ivy. It's for your protection." Ella moved to sit up now. "The less people that know about it, the less you have to worry about it being used against you. I don't know about you, Aura, but that connection sounds pretty strong. And while I love you Ivy, I don't know if you could handle being tortured. They wouldn't even have to touch you. They could just attack what you've created."

"Ella, if someone attacked the store right now, I likely wouldn't feel a thing." Ivy ran a hand through her dampened curls. "And even then, y'all have done a good job of toughening me up. I'd be okay. I do come home with burns."

While she was saying this, she also wasn't so sure about it. If someone did attack the store, would she feel it? She had poured her physical life force and powers into creating it. Could she feel it even if she was across town? Ivy hoped so if only to know when to protect it.

"Only every once and awhile!" Ella shot back. "And that's when you're too slow, so you definitely deserve a little reminder to speed up."

The three witches broke out into laughter and eased into a comfortable silence. Aura trained her eyes on something in the distance while Ella bounced a fireball between her hands. All the while, Ivy played with the grass between her fingers. The natural noise of the world around them made enough commotion. Cars screeched in the distance, and a wind rustled the tips of the color-changing trees. Eventually a cell phone cut through it all. Aura shot up and took the call.

"It's probably a breaking story." Ella leaned forward trying to hear what Aura was saying.

Sighing, Aura hung up and stalked back toward them. She didn't need to say anything for them to know the caller gave her bad news. She opened her mouth to speak when Ella's cell phone went off. Her eyebrows knitted together, wondering if this was a coincidence or not.

"And that's my cue." Aura motioned her head toward Ella, who snapped her phone back to her hip. "Is that call what I think it's about?"

Ella nodded solemnly.

"Wait, what is going on?" Ivy looked between the two women.

"PD turned up another body," Ella deadpanned. "While it looks like a human, my sources, and my team, already know it was a werewolf."

"How?" Aura piped in, journalism brain already kicking into the action. She couldn't use the werewolf part, but it didn't stop her from asking the questions.

"He was found naked and covered in dirt, deep in the forest." Ella shook her head. "This is the first body that's turned up in awhile. I don't even know if it's connected to the rest of the disappearances."

"We should go, though," Ella added after a brief pause. "Aura can drop you off at your place. I have to get straight to the station."

So much for a quiet, calm Malachi Peak.



Hope everyone is well and staying safe out there. These are some trying times. Here's to finding our escape through books, TV shows, movies and other mediums.

Finally, here's a chapter from me. Didn't realize it had already been a week! This week has flown by but at the same time dragged on. Watching the news is scary and I find myself needing to stop at points. (And I love the news)

Again, I'm still thinking of changing the name of the book. Stay tuned! Hoping to get a new cover for it too.

Much love, folks!

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