Chapter Fifteen...

Start from the beginning

" That could fake, fake like you, or it could have easily come from a 20 cent lollie machine for all I know."

" Believe /you me Sally-Ann,  its REAL. Now go run along and play house with Lukie boy and stop trying to steal my fiance.  I win you lose," she said in a mocking laugh. "Now get out of my way. ... I've got a wedding to plan, " she added, stabbing that knife deeper into Sally-Ann's  chest, piercing  her heart just that fracture  more.

Sally-Ann felt nauseated  and felt like she was suffocating.  The pain stabbed like a knife straight through her heart and no matter how hard she tried to shake the thought from her mind, Amanda's  words came rushing through her head 90 miles an hour, piercing  her heart again and again.

All the way home Sally-Ann  felt like she was sinking in quick sand.
"Damn it, damn him, damn her, they both deserve  each other," she yelled as she came to a stop in the driveway.
Locking up the corvette,  she headed inside, threw down her car keys, handbag, stormed off to her room, slamed the door shut and throws herself down on the bed crying  her heart out.

Looking straight at Luke, Karen says," Gee's I wonder what that was all about?  Must have had a bad day at work???"

"I don't know,  but I'll go see if she's alright,"  he said getting up and heading down the hallway to knock on Sally-Ann's door.
"Are you okay in there Sal?"

"No, go away, leave me alone," she calls back.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No I do not wish to talk about it.... now go away, "she sobbed.

"Are you crying Sal?"

"No, no I'm not crying," she lied.

"I'm coming in Sally-Ann, " he said turning the door kno  and opening it to fi d her quickly wiping her eyes.

"You've been crying haven't  you sweetheart? Come on whats wrong?"  Luke asked as he sat down on the bed.

"Nothing, nothing is wrong."

"Honey, its clear something is eatting at you and I'm not about to leave this room until you tell me whats  upset you,"Luke told her.

"  Okay, I was on my way home from work and I thought I'd xtopin at Buttigleg Tavern for a cold drink  before coming home and who should I run into?  Yep you guessed  right Amanda.  And you're  not going  to believe  what she told me, not in a million  years.
According to her, Steven asked her to marry him. Do you believe  that crap?" Sally-Ann  said standing up and walking over to stand under her bedroom window.

" Run that by me again... surly not! No, this has to be some  kind of sick joke, " Luke said turning to face her.

"You heard  right tbe first time."

"No-way, I'm not buying this. It has to be one of her lies Sally-Ann. "

"No lie I'm affaird, as she's  got this huge rock on the ring finger of her left hand that she practically threw in my face and swears black and blue it came from Steven."

" It could be fake for all we know or she could have just brought the damn thing herself from an opp-shop. Anything is possible  with Amanda  Roberts,  as I  truly don't  believe Steven would have asked her to marry him and not tell his family about it. No, I'm sorry, but I don't  believe  it and I'm certainly  not buying this bullshit neither. There's something very fishy about this whole thing and I smell a rat. I do not believe Steven even asked Amanda to marry him and I truly  do think she has made this whole wedding thing up," Luke statted.

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