Chapter Thirteen. ..

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For the past week Sally-Ann  threw herself into her work, anything  to avoid  having to talk to Luke. She was still very much peeved with him for what he had said to her.  Luke of all people  to say that to  her cut like a knife and she wasn't  sure if she'd ever forgive him for it. But she knew deep down he was right about what he had said. She still very much so loved Steven with all her heart and nothing she did would ever change  that. She couldn't  help it, her heart belonged to Steven and only Steven,  no other man stood a chance.

"Are you alright  Sally-Ann?  You seem a thousand miles away today," Tony asked concerned.
"Sorry, what was that?"

"I asked if you were okay, but it's  clear to see that something is bothering you. I'll tell you what, why don't  you take the rest of the day off and enjoy your afternoon and I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning, " he suggested.

So with that Sally-Ann  grabbed her handbag,  car keys and was heading out the door towards her car. She thought why not go and make a start on her Christmas shopping,  seing it wasn't  that fair away.

Locking up the car, Sally-Ann  headed on into the mall to check out a  few shops. After ducking in and out of a few nick- nack shops, she decided to go grab herself a cappuccino  chiaro and a small slice of chocolate  mud cake.
"Mmm, just what I needed, " she thought to herself as she went digging through her handbag,  pulled out her Christmas shopping list and crossed of the few things she had brought.

Feeling a bit more at ease with herself, she sat back thinking  a few  thing's  threw, whe  all of a sudden from out of no- where she heard," Fancy running into you here of all places."

"FUCK, just what I bloody need," she thought and then said, " What do  you want Steven?"

"Nothing really.... just spotted you sitting here all alone and thought I'd stop to say hello and see how your doing, "  he smiled at her.

"Ever stopped to think there's a reason why  I'm alone for in the first place?   And believe it or not ...... I was doing just fine till you came along. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to run," she said reaching down under the table for her handbag.

"Why do you always have to be so rude?  Fuck me dead Sally-Ann,  what's  your fucken problem??!"

"You, your my problem  Steven. Now if you don't mind,  how about you just bugger off and leave me the hell alone,!" she snapped at him.

" Not going to happen sweetheart,  not til you tell me just what your problem  with me is," he said starring her straight in the eyes.
"Look, I dont have time for any of this bullshit,  now if you don't  mind ...... move out of my way," she shouted at him.

" Not this time  sweetheart," he said reaching  into one of her many shopping bags  she had in the trolley and pulling out a black silk
g-string teddy. "Well what do we have here -  who's the lucky guy you brought this to wear for?" he said holding it up.
"Well it's certainly  not you, so if you don't  mind , hand it back Steven," she demands.
"Snappy little thing aren't  we? " he said as he coked his head.

Snatching the item back off him, she raised her middle finger at him and said,"  Kiss my ass!"

Heading dow  to her car, Steven followed her and bailed her up again.
"Oh for fuck's sake,  you just dont know when to quit do you. Seriously  Steven, why can't  you just leave me alone?" she asked.

"Because I truly believe  that deep down underneath  all of this, your still in love with me, as I'm very much so in love with you.... that's why I won't  quit. You just have to admit it too yourself," he told her.

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