Chapter Eight.

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As the day was getting on, Karen said," I hate to  put a damper on thing's since we're having such a lovely time and all., but the day is getting away from us and we really should make a move on heading home. "

Ten minutes later,  the car was packed  and they were all heading home.  Along the way Skyanne spotted a carnival.
" Can  we stop there please  Mummy  and have a look. .  Pretty please, " she  begged.
" Oh I don't know honey, you might have to ask your Uncle Luke and Aunty Karen if they would like to  stop  there or not, " her mother told her.

" Uncle Luke,  Aunty Karen,  can we please stop at the carnival. I have never been to one before," she asked.
" I cannot see why not sweetie," Luke smiled at her as he turned into the show grounds  to try find a spot to park.

First off they took Skyanne  on the fairest wheel; which she loved, next was the Merry-go-round  where  Skyanne  climbed upon a white pony with purple hair. Luke took her on a train ride and a giant  slide.

" Wow,  did you see how fast I went flying down that slide? I was going sooo fast, that I thought I was going to land on the moon, " Skyanne told her mother.

" Yes  I saw that sweetheart, you  really were flying pretty fast. So fast infact - that I think you might have even beaten Superman himself, " her mother  said smiling.

" I'll say... honestly , I thought you were  going to  end up with a speeding ticket cause you were going so fast, " her Aunt Karen said.

Next they took Skyanne to  a mini circus where they had clowns, elephants, ponies, monkey's and lion's. Taking a seat in the front row they sat and watch the clowns do there performance. Skyanne sat watching with excitement, clapping her  little  hands madly as all the acts finished.

" Wow Mummy,  that was amazing.  Thoses clowns were kinda silly, but funny. See that baby  clown  in the pram, he was very big for a baby don't you think Mummy?  And the elephants, ponies, monkey's and lion's  were  pretty cool  too. But  my favorite  part was the  little  monkey's  on their tiny little  bikes. They were soo cute!"   Skyanne said  with the biggest smile on her tiny little face.

After the mini  circus, Karen suggested  they go grab a pluto pup and a cold drink and take a wander down through the side - show  alley.
Luke had a try at shooting  the ducks  and won a giant pink and purple toy pony for Skyanne.  Karen  had a go at the raffle tickets and
won a cute little stuffed monkey, which  she ended  giving to her neice.
Far on down  the alley way, Sally-Ann  stopped at a showbag stand brought Skyanne  a few showbags, a fairy doll on a cane stick and even a fairy teddy bear on a cane stick.

" I 'd hate to be a real  party pooper and all, but I think  we should  start making a move to  head home.  It's been a rather long day , but what a fantastic day out  this has been," Sally-Ann smiled.

" It surly has been a great day out.  I've had a ball and I must say the highlight of my day was when young Skyanne went flying down that giant  slide. I honestly  thought  she was going to get booked for speeding, " Karen said  laughing.

" The highlight of the day  for me,was taking my daughter to the circus and seeeing the excitement written all over her little face when she saw those  cute little monkeys on their bikes, " Sally-Ann  smiled.  "Her tiny little face just lite up like a christmas tree and that's  what really made my day, knowing  that my little girl  loved it,"Sally-Ann added.

" Well  my highlight of the day was seeing the look on Sally-Anns face when she saw me standing there  with  her  bikini top. ... Sorry, but that was PRICELESS! "  Luke said starting to laugh just thinking about it.
" You  just won't let it go will you Luke, " Sally-Ann said  grinning  at him.

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