Chapter Twenty-one...

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In the morning  everyone  was up getting ready to head down into the valley for there little horse tour.
Skyanne  was all hyped up and couldn't  wait to get down the hill to get started. 

Metting up with the tour guide,  Luke,the girls and young Skyanne  mounted  their horse's  and starting following the tourist  guide man down a dirt track.  As they all trotted down the path, the tourist guide told them how Mount Purdie  got its name and all the amazing things you can see and do while staying here.

On approaching  the waterfall the tourist guide told everyone  this is where they were going to stop have lunch, a swim and at 2pm they would all remount their horses and head back  to town.

Hours later back at the cabin, everyone  had showered, changed and went outside on the porch chatting away about their  day.
Sally-Ann  was so proud of her daughter riding the pony all by herself and told both Luke and Karen that her daughter now wants a pony.

"Seriously,  where am I going to put a pony?  Looks like I might have to think about buying a ranch," Sally-Ann  laughed.

It was a peaceful night up on the mountain  without the hustle and bustle  of the normal every day living back at home.
Both Luke and the girls were unwinding, enjoying the evening  with good company, a few laughs all while throwing back a few cold ones before  hitting  the sack.

In the morning they all headed to  the markets that were held in town.
Sally-Ann  grabbed a few items for herself and a couple of small things for Skyanne.  After grabbing something to eat,  they went sat down to listen to some entertainment.

The rest of the morning went really well and they all had purchased  a few more things from the market before  heading back to the cabin. And once back at the cabin, Sally-Ann went and run herself a spa.



Tuesday morning  back at work, things were running smoothly. Both To y and Sally-Ann  had flew through all the layouts Mr Horn had set out for them and by lunch time,  Tony decide to call it a day and suggested they go for a bite to eat at a cafe down on Maple drive.

Within 15 minutes, they pulled up out the front of Rossies Cafe,  locked their cars up and headed inside to order themselves a chicken burger each.

Talking away  for ages, Tony looked at his watch and said that he had to get going, as he had a few things to take care of before heading home to the Misses and kids.

Biding  there goodbyes,  Sally-Ann  was walking out the front entrance of the cafe  when Amanda happened to be walking past and shoulder-budge her.  "Watch where your walking bitch!"she said as she pushed her way past Sally-Ann.

Well that was it for Tony,  he took one look at Amanda and said, " Hey, excuse me lady, but maybe you should be the one watching where your going,"

Amanda went full attack mode on Tony and told him to mind is own business, while calling Sally-Ann  everything under the sun and excusing her of sleeping with him.

Tony called her a venomous snake and told her to pull her head out of her arse and take a damn chill pill and to stop going around attacking people for no good reason. 

Than he turned to Sally-Ann and asked if she was okay and if she knew this crazy arse woman and she told him unfortunately  yes she knew her..... but she definitely  wasn't  a friend of hers. When she said that Amanda was the girlfriend of  her ex, Tony said "Say no-more!"

Making sure Sally-Ann was alright,  Tony told her to be careful and they both got in their cars and drove away.

Driving to the school to pick her daughterup, Sally-Ann  thought about what Amanda said to her about having  eyes in the back of her head. What was Amanda  planing  to do? Shaking the thought from her head, she than thought about what Tony saidand she knew he was right - she really needs to be on the ball now, especially  knowing full aware Amanda  won't  stop at nothing to get what she wants.
"Fucken damn crazzzzzy arse bitch, who the hell does she think she is -Queen Bee or something!" she thought out loud.

Just than the car door opened and frightened  the daylight out of her.
Young Skyanne  looked at her mother,  smiled and asked about her day, than told her all about her day and what she did.

Once back at home Skyanne  pull out the pot holder she had  made for her mother and placed it down on the table.
Sally-Ann  gave her duaghter a cuddle and a kiss and told her she loved it.

Relaxing a bit before dinner, Sally-Ann  flipped through a magazine,  checking out house's  for sale. Two had caught her eye, and she reached  for a pen and paper to write them down. Making a note to go check them out on her next available  day off.

Soon both Luke and Karen both arrived home from work and they asked how Sally-Ann's  day went and when she mentioned  Amanda  had shoulder-budge her and threatened  her...... Karen went right off her nut and said that Amanda  needs  a good wake up call and a doze or two of reality.

After dinner, Luke, the  girls and Skyanne  sat down to watch a bit of telly with a jam-drop each, a cup of coffee  and a milo for Skyanne.


The next day at work,  Sally-Ann  got stuck into the layouts  Mr Horn set out for her to do and both Tony and her flew through it all in no-time at all and soon Sally-Ann was heading home. She thought what she could do for the rest of the day to fill in time before  she had to go pick her daughter up from school. Laze around and relax seemed to be the one standing out more in her head.

Pulling up in the driveway, she turned the engine off, locked the corvette up and made her way inside frightening  Luke half to death in the process.  They spent the next few hours watching  movies, till shthey went to get Skyanne  from school.

On the way back home, Luke asked Sally-Ann  if she would like to go out for tea at the Sundowner  and she nodded her head yes.

By 5: 30pm,  Sally-Ann  went got herself all jazzed up and ready to go. She selected  a pink off the shoulder swing dress, a pair of rose colour  heels, a rose gold braclet  with matching earrings. She then applied some make-up, tied her hair into a french  twist and sprayed herself with some  perfume,  just as Luke called out to her.

At the Sundowner,  Luke parked the corvette,  got out, went around to the other side of the car and helped Sally-Ann  out.
Heading inside they were soon showen to their table and Luke ordered a bottle of Domaine dela Romance- conti and ordered their meal.
The waiter told them there meal would be rezdy in roughly 25 minutes.

Pouring a glass of wine for both Sally-Ann  and himself, Luke raised his glass  and said," Here's  to a goodnight!"

Once they had finished  eatting their meal meal, Luke asked Sally-Ann  for a dance. They danced  to 3 numbers, when Sally-Ann  excussed herself to go to the ladies room. On the way out, a strange  man she never meet before approached her, asking questions, than all of a sudden he pinned her up against  the wall.
"No please  stop,"  she yelled out as she tried to push him off her. But he wouldn't  stop. He kept  her pinned up against the wall as he tugged at her dress.

"I believe  the young lady here told you to  stop,"  Luke said as he grabbed  the bloke by the scruff of his shirt and gave him one big shove. The bloke swung  his arms like a mad man and Luke let lose  and smacked him in the nose.

Turning to face Sally-Ann,  he asked her if she was alright. Fixing her dress up the best she could, she asured him she was fine, but wanted to go home.

"Someone's  in a hurry to get  home, what - playing tag team tonight," she heard Amanda  laugh.
Turning around she saw Amanda  sitting at the table with the very same man who had attacked her.

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