Chapter Twenty-five.

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The next morning Karen was up making a fresh pot of coffee when Sally-Ann  walked into the kitchen and took her normal spot night.

Karen looked up from what she was doing and told Sally-Ann  that everyone  had such a good time last night and it was good to see  that she had gotten on really well with her brother last night, although someone she knew was  like a hawk ready to  snap up a damn feild mouse.  And when you both diappared  outside well.....  

Just then  Luke walked into the kitchen grabbed himself a coffee, sat down in his chair  and started  to take a sip of his coffee.
" Good morning, so did you have a goodnight last night?" he asked Sally-Ann.
She just nodded her head yes.

By the end of the week, Sally-Ann  had had moved into the ranch, had everything  set up in it's  right spot and had just finished  putting Skyanne's  room together. Once  she had it all set up nicely, Sally-Ann  headed outside to relax in the pool when both Luke and Karen rocked up.

"Thought I'd  fine you out here,"  Karen said  as she came around the corner.

Skyanne  was all excitted and told both Luke and Karen that she missed them both. Luke laughed and  told her it was only just the this morning when she  left, but they both missed her too and had come out to see how there first day in there new home was going.
They had even brought out some drinks and food with them to celebrate  Sally-Ann  and Skyanne's  first night in there new home.

Later on after everyone had eatten, Luke, Karen and Sally-Ann  sat back and had a few drinks while Skyanne  played with  Hope.

As the night went on, Karen poured more drinks  and they sat  gash bagging for hours.
Around 11pm Sally-Ann  showed them which rooms they could have and called it a night.

The next day after Luke and Karen had left, Skyanne went up to her room to play with her barbie  dolls while her mother worked in the garden.  The gardens were in full bloom and looking spectacular  in all variety  of different  flowers and color's.
Feeling proub with what she had accomplish,  she than strolled over to the barn to feed Tia.

Later on that day, young Skyanne  took Tia out for a bit of a ride around the paddock with Hope running along  side of them. The three of them just enjoying  a midday stroll on a beautiful  Suday afternoon.

It was peaceful  out on the ranch. No noise  of the mad city rush, just the sound of the birds chipping  in the near by trees and the sweet smell of nothing but  fresh air.
In the oven Sally-Ann  had a roast lamb baking, along with  freshly home growen vegetables. The aroma  coming from the kitchen smelt absolutely  spurb. She even baked some cookies, a cheesecake  and a homemade apple- pie all before putting the roast on.
Proub with herself, she then  called her daughter and they both went and played in the pool for awhile.

Friday afternoon on her way home from work, Sally-Ann  decide to stop in at the Tavern  for a cold drink before doing the school run, then heading home.

As she just sat down after ordering her drink Steven walked up to her table and asked if he could join her. She told him he could and they sat speaking for ages before he asked if she would like to go on a date with him on Monday night.
Unsure , she looked at Steven and told him she didn't know  if that was wise considering the fact Amanda might spot them and cause a scene. Let her  jump and down was his response.

She looked straight at him and told him she couldn't  believe it, but he had convinced  her to go on a date with  him.
"Excellent,  I'll send a cab to Luke and Karens, then I'll meet younat the Sundowner   at 6pm Monday," he smiled at her.

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