Chapter four

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Meanwhile back  at the Sundowner, Karen bailed her brother up to find out what he said to Sally-Ann to make her up and leave the way she did.

"And what makes you think I said something? " he said.
"Oh come on now Steven, I know Sally-Ann wouldn't up and leave like that unless she had a reason in doing so or you said something that really annoyed the fuck out of her. And judging by the looks of that slap on the side of your face, you offensively said something to piss her off....... So out with it brother dear, " she said looking him straight in the eyes.

" All I did was ask her for a simple dance; which she bluntly turned me down and told me she would rather dance with the dead than the likes of me. Than I went and said something really stupid to Sally-Ann, that I now regret saying and wish I could take it back, but unfortunately I can't. That's when she let loose and bitch slapped me and ran outside to the beer garden. I guess she was crying, I dont know, I couldnt tell. So I off-course followed her out to the beer garden and asked what her problem was. She told me it was me and that she hated me. So to prove my point, I kissed her and thats when she lashed out again and slapped me twice as hard and left.....
End of story," Steven said picking up his beer and taking a mouthful, than placing it back down.

" You did what, please tell me your joking? " Karen asked.

" You heard me right the first time Karen. . . . I kissed Sally-Ann and I would do it all again a thousand times over if I could, cause I love her. I never stopped loving her Karen, " Steven told his sister.

" Your kidding me.... Well that explains everything now doesn't it, " she said shocked.

" Yep, it does - damn woman. . . One day I'll make her my wife and when I do, I'll never let her go again , " he said finishing off his beer and going to get another one.

"I think you've had enough for tonight brother dear. I think it's time you call it a night and go sleep it off. So let me call you a cab, " she said heading over to the phone and dialing a cab for her brother and one for herself.



In the morning Luke was the first one up. He went straight to the kitchen and made a fresh pot of coffee.  Taken a seat at the end of the table he was about to grab his morning paper  just as Karen walked in.

" Good morning, " she said plonking herself down  in the nearest chair across from Luke and reaching for the coffee pot.

" It is for me, but for you - maybe not so good once  Sally-Ann gets hold of you. If I were you, I'd start heading for the hills, " he said  taken a sip of his coffee.

" For the likes of me, I honestly  cannot see what the problem is . She needs to build a bridge and get over it  for fucks sakes.  Damn drama queen!"  Karen  huffed.

" Well you might want to tell Sally-Ann  that,  but I doubt it will help you in anyway.  She is really  pissed with you.  I can picture the  headlines on the front page of the local paper, "  Local girl gets hit by a steam train.... "  Luke  said holding his hand up and prenting  to  type the words out. Karen  rolled her eyes at Luke as she  grabbed  herself something  to eat.

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