Chapter 12 - Pain

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Emelia’s P.O.V

I toss and turn trying to get back to sleep. It has been a struggle trying to sleep these past few weeks with this humongous belly. I think I am close to the end of my pregnancy looking at the size of my stomach but I would have no clue. I wish I knew something about this baby, like what if they’re not ok or something is wrong. Being kept hostage means besides Luke I’ve had no contact with anyone so there is no-one to tell me how little hemmo is going.

All day today I’ve felt a bit off, queasy and maybe that’s why I am having trouble sleeping. I turn and try to snuggle into Luke’s side when I feel a small sharp pain in my abdomen, kinda feeling like a period pain.  I try to ignore it and snuggle closer into Luke’s body so I can get back to sleep.  I start to drift back to sleep when about 10 minutes later a feel another pain, this time a little bit worse.  At the same time I can feel a bit of a wet patch in the mattress, it feels as if something is dripping down my legs.  I sit up and realise. Shit.  That was my water breaking. Fuck am I in labour??

I turn to Luke, scared and start shaking him, hoping he wakes up. After a minute or so he starts to stir and opens his eyes, at the same time I feel another sharp pain and make a whimper.

Babe?” Luke says concerned in his groggy morning voice as he rubs his eyes.

I bite my lip waiting for the pain to subside before replying. “I think little hemmo is coming”

As I say that Luke’s facial expression completely changes, to a look of excitement and worry.    

Shit, oh my god, are you ok Emelia?” Luke says while frantically getting out of the mattress.

“Yeh I’m fine, just a few sharp pains every couple of minutes” I reply.

“umm Luke” I continue, in a worried tone.

What is it Emelia?” he replies.

“We are going to have to do this on our own” I say, with a face full of fear, “I don’t know much about giving birth”.

Luke walks over to me and pulls me into an embrace. Another piercing pain rips through my body causing me to whimper again and grab onto Luke.

“I don’t know much about giving birth either but you will have me the whole way, we can figure this out together” he says trying to soothe me and places a kiss to my forehead.

“I am pretty sure you push when you’re fully dilated, whatever that means and I guess we just wait until then” Luke continues.

I look into his eyes and reply, my breathing becoming a lot heavier.  “I think these pains I’m having are contractions, I think they get stronger and closer apart the closer I am to pushing”.

Luke nods at that and gets up from the mattress.  “I am just going to make sure everything is comfortable and ready for you and then I’ll be right beside you and helping you” he says.

He walks over to the box of clothes left here several months ago and grabs the biggest band top in a men’s size he can find and walks back over to me. I have been wearing his shirts lately as they are the only thing that fits me.  He then walks back over to me and motions for me to take his hand and stand up.

“Let me help you change” He says, referring to my clothes that are wet from my water breaking. He helps me take my sweat pants off and the shirt I was wearing and then helps pull the new massive shirt over my head. Even with a massive bump the shirt manages to go mid-thigh on me. He then helps me pull off the soaked underwear I was wearing.

Luke walks back over to the mattress and takes the soaked sheet off and replaces it with the quilt.  He then guides me to the mattress and helps me sit down. He moves the pillows to make a little pillow mountain to support my back and helps me get into a comfortable position.

He snuggles into my side on the mattress and grabs my hand, drawing circles on it with his fingertips. “Try and relax Emelia” he says and I try too but another contraction hits causing me to tense up again but Luke cradles me in his arms and starts singing softly in my ear which helps me block the pain.

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