Girl, Interrupted // Lisa "Playing the Villain"

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Warning: Cursing

Susanna: Lisa!

Polly: Hey Susanna.

Lisa: We were just reading your book. Figured since it's your last night we'd have a little salon, little read aloud celebrate all the wisdom you're bringing into the world. Ya know, try to learn something, grow as people. We read how when you were a baby they strapped you to a board and how you think Georgina doesn't really wanna leave. Polly never will, and that I'm criminally insane.

Susanna: Wha-what are you guys doing down here?

Lisa: Lisa's eyes once so magnetic now just look empty.

Susanna: *whispers* Lisa, that is mine. That is mine.

Lisa: Georgina. Georgina lies only to people who keep her here, sometimes I think she wants to live in Oz forever. How perceptive?

Susanna: Georgina I didn't...

Georgina: You better erase that because my father is the head of the CIA and he could have you dead in minutes!

Lisa: In this world looks are everything...

Susanna: Oh gosh...

Lisa: Sometimes I think Polly's sweetness and purity aren't genuine at all but are actually a desperate attempt to make it easier for us to look at her. So nice of you to pass judgement on us now that you're cured.

Susanna: *whispers* Why the fuck are you doing this?

Lisa: I'm playing the villain baby, just like you want. I try to give you everything you want.

Susanna: No you don't.

Lisa: You wanted your file, I found you your file! You wanted out, I got you out! You needed money, I found you some! I'm fucking consistent, I told you the truth I didn't write it down in a fucking book! I told you to your face! And I told Daisy what everybody knew and wouldn't say and she killed herself. And I played the fucking villain, just like you wanted.

Susanna: *whispers* Why would I want that?

Lisa: Because it makes you the good guy sweet pea. It makes you the good guy and you come back here all sweetness and light and sad and contrite and everybody sits ringing their hands congratulating you and all your bravery and meanwhile I'm blowing through guys at the bus station for the money that was in her fucking robe!

Polly: Stop it Lisa! She too...

Georgina: Shut up Polly!

Lisa: Where you going? I'm talking to you! Where you going? Where you going? I'm talking to you! Susanna. What you don't like me anymore?

Susanna: No I don't!

Lisa: Because you're free? You think you're free? I'm free! You don't know what freedom is! I'm free! I've been freed! And you, you're gonna go choke on your average fucking mediocre life!

Susanna: *grunts trying to close door then closes door on fingers and screams in pain*

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