the fight.

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As mongul walked around the city,looking for those children that attacked him earlier,the thrill of the fight could be seen on his face.

As mongul saw one of the kids in the middle of the street,looking right at the boy he was underwhelmed to see robin.

As robin pushed a button on a new ear piece that mr aizawa gave everyone.

"Be ready? He's almost in position"
He told everyone.

As mongul walked towards him with a frown

"I must say,I'm disappointed that only one decided to fight" mongul yelled out to robin.

"I wouldn't worry about that"robin confused with a smirk.

As mongul walk in the middle of the street between a science building and another building.

Just than Kirishima smashed throw the other building with shouto with fire in hand.

As mongul saw the boy blast him pushing him to the science building,breaking down the doors in to the main lobby.

As the fire blast stopped while mongul was in the lobby.

[Same lobby from young justice e1]

As the water springs want off in the lobby from the fire.

As mongul raised from attack,than saw two more children.

Kirishima and denki,denki was charging up his power to shock the villian.
"Indiscriminate shock 1.3 million vaults."denki yelled out than slapping the ground.

As the electricity want throw the water to hit mongul and shocked him.

As mongul was being distracted he didn't see severely student go in behind robin,robin waved to go.

Robin and mineta ran to the middle of the lobby setting up the purple ball in the middle.

"Good now get out of here"robin told him.

As denki realised all the power in that one blast,mongul could feel a spark in him and he like it.

As the blast ended mongul got on his feet,he looked at seeing those called next champions.

Ashido was the first to speak.
"Give up now,and we'll go easy on you"

"You'll Go easy on me,ha ha ha" mongul laughs at the thought these children actually hurting him,but he could use the workout.
"The kryptonian couldn't hurt me what makes you think you can do better?" mongul asked

"Shut up and fight you dami villain" bokugo blasted his way straight to mongul,firing at eye level.

As bokugo blast a fire shot directly at his face,mongol back hands bokugo straight to one of the 6 pillars holding up the building.

Ida and deku go towards mongul as ida aims for the back of the leg and deku aims for the head with a punch.

Mongul dodge both attacks but kicking at ida body.

Deku hits and ground than jumps to hot mongul as Kirishima runs to the battle.

Robin goes to bokugo"you can't beat him alone"

"Whatch me" bokugo yells back as he try's to stand up,Robin doesn't try to stop him.

"Now jon" damian says over the coms,
Jon runs in to the building dashing at mongul,who is next to a piller.

Jon pushing mongul in to the piller completely destroying it.

Robin saw as Kirishima and ida distracted mongul as robin set up bomb at two pillars as did mina melting the other.

"Everone execute the plan"robin ordered everyone.

Kirishima heard this,and want straight to breaking the last piller,as deku ran straight to mongul,ida want behind him on the back legs.

Mongul feel back straight on to mina ball trap.

Everone out now" jon yelled,as Robin pressed the button on his belt.

Beep beep beep could be heard from the remaining pillars.

Than boom.

The whole building fell down at the center where mongul was trapped,however as the students looked at the falling debree it was clear to see that bokugo robin,deku and jon didn't make it out.

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