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"Okay settle down class" eraserhead command

"Today we have two new transfers from America I expect y'all to help them"

Jon and Damian walked,jon was so excited to be here to have classmates with powers and meeting new friends,Damian on the other hand was not impress like his father taught him always be prepared and that's mean to learn everything about all his  classmates.

"Introduce yourself" eraser said

"Hi y'all I'm jon kent it's nice to meet y'all"jon said like nervous school girl

"Gretting names robin" Damian said simply.

"Go sit over there" eraser head said pointing at the end two window seats.

Class want as normal as a first day can go, jon was having a hard time learning the material while damian already read the whole text book.

Than the bell rang,the two boys were rushed at by there fellow students.

"Hello I'm class president tanya lida if you need any help please don't be afraid to asked" tanya told them

"Names mina your so cute jon"mina told the young kryptonian.

"Hey names Kirishima, man you too must be strong if your coming all the way from the United states,so what's your qirk" kirishina asked but not realizing that he just open a door to trouble because boukgo,shoto and others now had all ears to the new students.

"Oh well I have super strength,I can leap across building frozen breath but I can't really control it yet super healing "jon answered

The whole class want silent everyone knew some got 2 quirks but more was unheard off.

Everyone in thoughts that was so intimating than they look at damian.

"So what's your"deni asked damian

"Don't have any"

To say damian wanted to kill most people In the class would be a understatement.

Bakagu,mineta and kaminari started to laugh others gave him a look of pity than damian hated but did not show but jon knew that all this people are going to regret this.

The bells rang and everyone want back to there seats.

Jon gave damian a note.

"Don't listen to them the note"

Damian gave it back

"Oh there going to regret it"

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