Chapter 1: The Girl

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No one's POV

Everyone remained still. The aura around y/n was gone, but his lightning remains. They all wait for someone else to make the first move. The Fallen Angels grew more nervous with each second that went by as y/n remained positioned with the girl watching him.

After what felt like eternity, one of the Fallen Angels aiming their gun at y/n grew tired of waiting. He growls as he yells. "That's it! I'm done waisting time!"

His partners tried to yell at him to stop, but they were too late. The second he pulled the trigger it was too late to go back. Just as the bullet was about to hit y/n, he disappears in the blink of an eye. Everyone's eyes widen as they look around for him.

"What the-?!"

An explosion erupts between the middle of the Fallen Angels. A wave of electricity explodes as the ground shatters, sending everyone flying. Y/n stood up from the center of the explosion as his lightning fades. He saw that the one holding the girl was separated from her due to the impact of the explosion. He took this opportunity to run up to her and pick her up in his arms bridal style.

"H-hey-!" The girl tried to say something, but y/n cuts her off.

"Don't worry, I got you." Y/n says with a calm tone.

"..." The girl simply stares at him. She saw he was staring at the downed men before he decided to make a run for it. He runs as fast as he could to one of the nearest buildings.

"Hold on tight, kid!" He yells as he was standing in front of a building.

The girl does as she was told, wrapping her arms around his neck. Y/n bends his knees before leaping up several stories. He grabs hold onto a window frame with both of his hands. The girl holds onto him for dear life as he leaps up several stories again. Y/n lands on top of the roof, grabs hold of the girl, and ran as fast as he could to get away.

"Get him!" The two heard one of the Fallen Angels yell from the ground.

Y/n looks over his shoulder as he leaps over a gap between two buildings. He saw the Fallen Angels hovering in the air with their black bird-like wings spread out. He growls in annoyance as he tries to come up with a plan.

"Damnit!" Y/n mutters. "This is why I hate coming to Japan!"

Each of the Fallen Angels summon a spear of light in their hands. They throw their spears at y/n to kill him. But each time they did y/n would leap to the side just in time to avoid being hit.

"Why do you even care about this girl?!" One of the Fallen Angels shout in anger as he flew above y/n. "You don't even know her!"

Y/n leaps away as far as he could. He jumps across several roofs as he slowly turns around. He dug the back of his heels into the ground and his left hand into the roof as he had his other hand holding the girl. He skids backwards several feet, causing dust to pick up where he lands. The Fallen Angels notice y/n's brows burrow as he grits his teeth.

"You're right," y/n began. "I don't know her..." He puts the girl down to his side and stands in front her, blocking them from reaching her. "But that doesn't mean I can let you damn Fallen Angels kidnap her!"

Two of the Fallen Angels summoned their spears again. They both threw them as the others summoned theirs. Y/n's hands suddenly glow. He spreads his fingers out as two objects were summoned in them. In his right was a small shield as his left had some kind of lance.

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