Chapter 11

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I saw Ariana's instant shock settle across her face as I mentioned her name and then quickly of sadness when she heard me say I wanted to leave.

The perfume she was wearing, the way she had grabbed my hand and held on to it so naturally instantly confirmed who she was. Not to mention her voice.

At first I thought I was making it up in my head, but every word hit me so hard as she was speaking.

The past couple of months, I had secretly hoped to cross her the streets, at the movies, just anywhere. Any time I was out, I was wishfully begging to run into her.

And here we were now. And I had told her I wanted to leave.

The shame of my behavior from the last time we met took over and the only thing I had in mind was to run away. I had been way overdramatic.

"Do you really want to leave?" Her tone of voice sounded as if she was upset, I could not tell what she was projecting expression wise as her mask occupied the most essential traits for me to be able to analyze her.

"I feel a bit tired." I lied. I had only been at this party a little over an hour. Not sure my lie was the best.

"Oh." Was all that she managed to say at my lie.

I had made this all interaction awkward as I had the very first time. My social skills were definitely lacking.

"Can I at least get you one drink before you leave? Haven't seen you in awhile and would love to hear what you've been up to, give me a chance to get you to stay." She tried convincing me. I looked at her a bit hesitantly. "I promise, it's just one drink and if I can't convince you to stay, I will let you go home."

I had to admit that this girl was determined. I gave her that.

I reluctantly nodded in agreement as her whole face brightened and she was suddenly smiling again.

"Let's find somewhere a bit more quiet." She grabbed me by the hand again and led me back downstairs.

"We're just going to get drinks first, I'm really thirsty." She said, turning to me, waiting for an approval for us to go down.

I nodded as I felt like I also needed something to drink as my throat was absolutely dry.

The bass was heard clearly again and a lot of chanting and cheering was going on. Guess the party was going to be wild.

"Ariana! Ariana!" I heard to words people were chanting and it was her name. She seemed very surprised and all of a sudden nervous.

She froze in her tracks, regretting ever coming down here to begin with.

"Where's my special girl?" I heard a male voice ask from the microphone.

I was a bit confused as to what was happening.

"Everyone, if you see a girl with a mask with a snot on, do not hesitate to push her towards the stage." He joked on the microphone.

"Please, let's get out of here. I've got tell you something first."

Before she could continue, two quite drunk people started pointing towards her.

"She's here! Found her!" They said triumphly.

Ariana seemed very panicked as she got slowly pushed towards the stage in the other room. There was a desperate look on her face.

"There she is! My favorite client!" I heard the man say as Ariana got pushed around the corner. I followed the movement and came into a room with a little stage in the center with a live band. I didn't know why she was panicking as I thought that they would simply be thanking her for the party.

I saw Ariana step on the stage, and the man with the mic was smiling. He had a trimmed beard and looked very happy. He called her his client and I was a bit confused by that.

"Ariana, how can I even begin thanking you for this amazing party you threw for us; when I am the one that should have thrown a party for you!" He began saying and continued with various compliments.

I saw Victoria making her way towards me.

"Hey Y/N." She said waving.

"How did you know it was me? I never removed my mask in front of you." I said and she seemed to suddenly panic when she realized.

"Look, don't tell Ariana you know. But we kind of all planned this party for her to see you again. Ariana, Tommy Magnus and I." She said chuckling and revealing her secret.

"What?" I was utterly confused by this. Why would they go through all this trouble to organize all of this for Ariana to see me? "Why?"

Victoria laughed and turned her attention to the stage where Ariana was uncomfortably stood as the guy kept throwing praises.

"Ariana has some things she wants to talk to you about." She was still facing the stage. "Just give her a chance."

"I have so many questions." Was all I managed to say.

"Save them for Ari." She smiled as she looked proudly at her friend on stage.

"And here's to the double platinum album, I'm so proud to be your manager and be on this journey with you. Here's to a new album, a new tour and more great things to come!" The guy with the beard exclaimed and the crowd roared in celebration with a lot of clapping.

It hit me at once, and everything made so much more sense.


A/N: Quick note: Sorry for any mistakes. I wanted to update my stories for you guys so you had something to read while I was traveling. I'm not sure when I will be able to update next but hopefully the updates on the three stories will help a little bit! <3

Thank you for being the best readers! <3

Heavenfaced (Ariana/you)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora