Chapter 50: Peer

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That's simple!" Oblivious to the shock and the thoughts going through the minds of the others, Zhang Xuan smiles. "Even though the Chi Xiong is known for its invincible defense, its body is streamlined like a sharp sword. It specializes in quick assaults and overcomes its opponents through speed rather than strength! From this, it can be inferred that its disposition should be that of a sharp sword rather than a heavy mountain. Given how the painter got the disposition of the savage beast wrong, it is clear to see that it is an interpretation."

Master Lu Chen's body sways.

It isn't that the other party is inaccurate in his appraisal, but he is too accurate in it!

All along, he had thought that since the Chi Xiong is known for its invincible defense, its disposition should be heavy like a mountain. The reminder from the youngster makes him recall an introduction on the savage beast from a book. It mentions that it is extremely fast, killing its opponent without even revealing itself. This is precisely the reason why very few people have seen its true form!

One of the greatest taboos of a painter is to mistake the disposition their painting should carry. If even the disposition is unfitting for the subject, then even the most valuable of paintings will be reduced to trash. Zhang Xuan is already sparing his pride by saying that the painting isn't bad, instead of saying something more extreme.

"Excellent! Incredible!" With his face flushed red with excitement, Master Lu Chen expresses his high appraisal of Zhang Xuan.

If it is just a single painting, it is possible that it might just be luck or coincidence. However, to see the crux behind two different paintings in an instant, he can confidently say that the youngster before him might look young, but he is a true master painter!

His skills can only be superior to his own!

It is easy to make friends, but it is hard to find a soulmate. Throughout his career as a painter, he is unable to find an equal in the entire Tianxuan Kingdom. Usually, when he deciphers a painting to the others, they would only respond to it perfunctorily and instead, focus their efforts on praising him. No one was able to truly understand the essence of those paintings, needless to say, to point out the flaws in them.

Friend kind of soulmate

This is precisely the reason why he feels desolate, and often opens up his residence to encourage diligent juniors in the hope that there will be someone to succeed him.

At this moment, upon meeting someone who is able to point out the flaws and weaknesses of a painting, he feels as though he has met a soulmate. How can he not be delighted over it?

If not for his strong will and self-control, he might have leaped in joy on the spot.

Seeing the master so exuberant, Huang Yu and Bai Xun no longer bicker and stare at one another. Their eyes widen into complete circles, almost popping out from their heads.

They have been acquainted with this master since young. He is always calm, and no matter what comes in his way, he never allows it to interfere with his mind. The last time the emperor sent some servants to deliver the 【Harsh Lands Night Illumination Pearl】 to him, a gift that is worth a king's ransom, he didn't even take a look at it before ordering a servant to keep it in the warehouse.

Yet, a casual answer from the young man leaves him in such a state... Could it be that his words are true?

At this point, the two of them shot their gazes towards the young man. However, no matter how they stare at him, he looks nothing but ordinary to them.

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