Chapter 41: Treasure Speculation

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"Is that Master Mo Yang you all speak of that incredible?" Zhang Xuan asks doubtfully.

To be capable of inciting the agitation of so many people, causing them to go into a frenzy, who is this Master Mo Yang? Just what kind of magical abilities does he possess?

"Yes, he is extremely incredible!" Reverence can be heard from the vendor's tone. "He is an expert appraiser!"

"Appraiser?" Zhang Xuan nods his head.

Appraiser and gourmet are both special occupations. However, the former is a Middle Nine Paths occupation.

This occupation may not be as glorious as apothecaries, blacksmiths and formation masters, but it is capable of sending innumerable people into hysteria.

That is because they are able to tell whether an item is a treasure or not just by looking at it. In the field of 【Treasure Speculation】, they possess golden fingers that make them an existence similar to the God of Gambling. Many people would follow behind reverently them the moment they appear in public.

Treasure speculation is a commercial activity similar to Earth's rock speculation. There are some ancient treasures whose original radiance is buried under the cloak of rock and faunas. Just by the outer appearance itself, the most one could do is to identify what the artifact is. It is impossible to tell the tier of the treasure and the specifications of it.

Rock speculation, information on it left on the bottom.

Its true form will only be revealed when the exterior of the artifact is cleaned!

There are many treasure dealers who choose not to clean up these treasures and sell them in such a form instead. This is similar to the concept of rock gambling. After which, the buyer would purchase the artifact based on their discernment ability and intuition and clean up its exterior afterward.

If they are lucky, it might turn out to be a supreme treasure which would make them millionaires in an instant. On the other hand, it is also possible for them to go bankrupt after investing greatly on some useless object!

Heaven on one side and hell on the other.

It is due to the very unpredictability of the game that many people are obsessed with it, sometimes even going crazy over it.

Appraisers are capable of ascertaining whether a treasure is real or not. Those who are more capable are even able to make a judgment on an artifact before it has been tidied up. Thus, even though the occupation is only of the Middle Nine Paths, the charms of it has attracted many to walk on such a road.

After all, it is the Midas's touch. As long as they think that it is a treasure, people would buy it no matter how expensive they are.

"This Master Mo Yang arrived here seven days ago. It is rumored that he is an incredible appraiser from some other kingdom. However, back then, no one paid him any notice!"

The vendor introduces Master Mo Yang excitedly. "The first day, when someone wanted to buy a wine bottle-like object that costs about 100 gold coin, Master Mo Yang tried to persuade him otherwise. However, that person refused to listen and in the end, after wiping it clean, it is proven that there is a problem with the object and it isn't worth a single gold coin!"

"The second day, Master Mo Yang persuaded a fighter to spend 200 gold coins to buy a treasure. That person refused to believe him, so he didn't buy it. Thus, Master Mo Yang bought it himself and after it is wiped clean, it turned out to be a mortal pinnacle weapon! It is something that cannot be bought even with several thousand gold coins! He profited several dozen folds in an instant! That filled the fighter with so much regret that the thought of suicide even crossed his mind..."

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