Chapter 15 - Hurt

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"Ooh, go faster, you bastard!", I yelled at the lame slug in front of me, then overtook on the right and accelerated my BMW back up to 300 hp. Quietly, hoping to arrive at Lani's in time.

In time, huh?, my subconscious made sure for the hundredth click and then chased more shuddering news through my head: We're sorry, but there was nothing more we could do for her. She lost too much blood. Her heart stopped.

"FUCK, NO! She is definitely fine! Surely she's not seriously hurt!" As hard as I could, I pressed my fist against my temple to silence the voices.

This is all your fault. She flew over your skateboard and now I'm sure she has a concussion that-,

"UAGH, SHUT THE FUCK UP!", I was now yelling at myself, and in the next moment hitting the steering wheel as I drove straight into a traffic jam.


Biting my nails, I brought my car to a stop and eventually did dial the number I was now so upset about. "Please pick up, please pick up-"

"Hello? You've reached the Griffin Hayes automated answering system. Unfortunately-"



Moderate contusion.
That was the diagnosis that was the starting point of my pain and had me stuck in Sixcolors for a good three hours now.

"You need to get to a hospital! It's going to be okay," the café owner's words still echoed, and I could figuratively see her picking up the phone and calling 911.

"No, it looks worse than it is. Someone just accidentally hit the door against my hand and that's why I'm screaming now," I had tried to explain, but unfortunately she didn't really understand me because of all the crying and I found myself less than an hour later, on the way to the nearest hospital.

"Ugh, it's so dull here." A little kid started kicking my seat in boredom, voicing exactly what I was thinking the whole time.

There wasn't even a stack of newspapers or a coffee machine here and even the walls, had seen better days.

Not to mention the toilets.

I wondered if Griffin had already sent someone to get me, it occurred to me, and I pulled out my cell phone once again, with which I had notified him.

Don't worry, Lani. I'll think of something. We'll get you back home, he had assured me, and I now fervently hoped that a cab driver would soon show up and thus seal my journey home. Or better, to my temporary home.

"Um, excuse me," a gentle voice suddenly addressed me and I felt a gentle tug on my sleeve.

"Uh, yeah?"

"Do you know where the cafeteria is?"

"The cafeteria?"

"Yeah," the little girl nodded nervously, "I'm supposed to meet my mom and sister there. But I don't even know how to get to it."

"Oh, I see." Gently, I smiled at her, "Well, I'm just a patient here and I don't really know my way around either, but if you like, I'd be happy to help you find a nurse who can definitely take you to the cafeteria."

"Really? That would be wonderful! Thank you!" The little girl clapped her hands enthusiastically and pulled me off my chair somewhat, "May I ask what your name is?"

"Sure you may. My name is Lani."

"Lani? That sounds like a princess! Are you a princess?"

"Haha, no, I wish," I replied with a laugh, then got on an elevator with her, "I work as an au pair."

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