Sexually frustrated

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Dinner was nice, very nice. You know when you are pregnant, you are hungry all the time. I mean I was. I could eat for days. So when we actually finished dinner I was still a bit hungry but I tried to ignore it. Jungkook took me to his car and I agreed on staying for the night, because I missed him and I wanted to be with him. I looked out of the window, mesmerized by all the stars that lit up the night sky. I was thinking about Yeona, I was excited to see her. I saw her two days ago but still I missed her every single day.

I couldn't be there for her birthday and I felt so sorry. I felt like the worst mother in history. I wanted to see her but I couldn't at the time. I was fighting with Jungkook and Yeona looked confused I knew she needed time before I came back in to her life. She was very young and she didn't understand. She couldn't possibly.

Jungkook rested his hand on my thigh, but his eyes focused on the road. "What are you thinking about?" , he asked softly.

"Yeona...I miss her" , I said still staring out of the window.

"She misses you too, you know" 

It was strange to be a mom. A few months ago I wasn't even one and now I was supposed to be one of a six-year-old and a baby that  was not even born yet. I was so stressed out and tired.

" I know" I smiled at him.

Soon we arrived at his place and I was nervous. I didn't know why, there was nothing to be nervous about. It was Jungkook, I was always safe with him. Maybe Yeona was still awake? Although it was very late, probably not.  Wait who was watching over Yeona while Jungkook went out. Suddenly I felt anxious. What if he left my daughter alone? No, Jungkook wouldn't do that.

I stopped for a moment.

"What is it?" , He asked when he reached the door to open of his huge mansion.

"You didn't leave her alone right?" , I said trying to sound calm but my voice came out shaky anyway. 

His eyes widened and then he smirked. "Y/N I would never leave our daughter alone at this age" , he said. He looked a bit disappointed that I even thought about him leaving her all alone. 

"I am sorry I just ...These hormones are making me crazy" I answered. I just  mentally slapped myself for even making that remark. It was unnecessary.  He smiled at me and had a look of understanding on his face. Jungkook was such a good person, I was so glad we met. I am the luckiest person alive.

When we entered the mansion I heard noise from the living room. I thought the noise came from the tv. Jungkook took my jacked and hung it on the coat rack. I slowly went to the living room not wanting to startle anyone. 

I saw Yeona sleeping on Taehyung's lap. It was one of the cutest things I had ever seen in my life.

"Hey" , he said whispering, not wanting to wake up the little girl sleeping. 

"Hey" , I smiled at him.

Taehyung looked happy and knocked ou at the same time. Yeona was a very energetic girl to be around, so I could relate. He almost fell asleep on the couch next to her but woke up to the sound of the door opening. 

"How was the date?" , he asked 

"It was fine" I smiled and he nodded approvingly.

He stood up slowly and was careful when he lay Yeona on the couch. 

"I am gonna go then" , he gave me hug and went to the door. Jungkook and Taehyung said some things to each other but I couldn't hear what is was. I looked at the little girl sleeping so serene. She was wearing pink pajamas. She was so cute and lovely, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I stroked her hair softly. 

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