The deal

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Almost 6 years ago

There was a ringing sound, it hurt. The sound was so loud in my ears, I almost could not hear anything else. My eyelids were so heavy, I barely could open them. I didn't want to open them, I wanted to say in the dark. It felt safe, comforting.

When my eyelids opened I could feel something that was unbearable. I wanted to scream. The room was white, I was on a hospital bed. My legs were spread and it was right there. The pain came from there. I was not conscious of what was happening I just wanted it to end. I could hear someone scream, I was surrounded.


He came in running, pushing everybody out of his way, not caring if someone could get hurt. He was tired but he didn't realise it because adrenaline was rushing through his veins. There was only one thing on his mind: Y/N.

He got a call when he was working. It was the police, they told him that the mother of his child got into an accident and was forced to give birth. The doctors were afraid she could not make it. Without letting anyone know Jungkook ran out of the bar where he worked not paying attention to his boss calling him and asking where he was going.

He was out of breath and ran into the room where Y/N laid. He saw her unconscious while the doctors tried everything to get the baby out.

"What is going on?" , Jungkook asked hurriedly.

"Excuse me sir why are you in here ?" , the doctor was furious, she thought a man came to see the horrifying situation to please himself.

"I am the father of her child" , he yelled out of frustration. He was almost crying, his girlfriend seemed so lifelessly. There was a heart monitor that showed her rate and also the baby's rate.

"Sir, the mother has a severe concussion. We are afraid that if she would make it, she might not remember much" , the doctor said.

"Please, I beg you, I can't lose her" ,his voice broke. The doctor turned around and started to help with the birth of his daughter.

His girlfriend woke up, but she didn't see Jungkook. She only screamed and screamed. Jungkook fell to his knees and wanted to throw up.

Her heart rate sped up, that was when a whole team of doctors joined the rest.

Jungkook knew that this day was the worst one of his life. It should have been the best because of the birth of his baby. His breath was shaky when the doctor told him that Y/N went into a coma after she successfully gave birth to his daughter. He wanted to cry. Was he happy or terribly sad, he didn't know.

"Can I see her?", who did he mean? His daughter or his girlfriend. The doctor seemed to ask the same question. "The baby" , he finally said. He doubted but what would be the fun in seeing your love lifelessly on a bed.

"Follow me", she said. He trembled, he was nervous. The accident left his daughter out, his mind was only focused on his girlfriend. Now he could finally see his child, his baby. He couldn't believe it.

Then he saw her.

She was the most precious thing he had ever seen. How could a human be so tiny. Her little hands grabbed for something in the air. Her eyes were closed but her small body jiggled. She made whiney baby noises. Jungkook couldn't believe his eyes. This tiny human was his, he had made her, it was part his girlfriend's. His heart ached.

For just a moment he forgot about the mother of his child.

Jungkook let out a whine, again he cried. He held the baby in his arms.

"You are so beautiful" , he whispered to his daughter.

"Hi I am your dad, gorgeous"


Maybel rushed to where her ex lived. She thought it was a bad idea but she would do it anyway for her best friend Y/N. She wasn't sure how he was going to react seeing her. Would he have changed? Would he know about Jungkook and Y/N.

There was one thing she knew for sure, she was still in love with him.

She knocked three times. Maybel was anxious and she honestly wanted to leave. Then the door swung open. A tall man in sweatpants and a white t-shirt was standing right in front of her. His wet hair covered his eyes a bit. Yup she was still in love with him. God even sexually attracted . No she had to focus on her best friend.

"Maybel?" , Taehyung clearly missed her. He stood there frozen, staring at her, not believing his eyes. "Hi Tae", she said softly. He gasped and then stepped away from his door. "Why are you here?"

She had expected a warmer welcome like 'I'm so happy to see you' or a ' hey how are you'

Guess he wanted to get straight to the point. "Can we talk? It's Y/N" , This time she said it firmly.

Almost 6 years ago

"Y/N will probably not remember anything about her past life the first weeks. But if you train her memory, she will be able to remember everything in a month or so" , the doctor spoke to Jungkook and Y/N's parents in the waiting room.

"Thank you doctor" , Lila said. She had been crying all the time. She was scared that she might lose her daughter. She continued sobbing and said on a chair. Jungkook didn't say a word to her parents. He was scared , he didn't want to. Jared put an arm around his wife trying to comfort her. Jungkook said next to them, still not saying anything. Maybe he should say somethings.

"Have you seen the baby?", Jungkook asked carefully, hoping they wouldn't be lashing out on him.

Lila looked up, her teary eyes lit up. Jared was emotionless, he didn't want to see the baby.

"No, can we?"

Jungkook nodded and went to the room nearby. He took his daughter of the crib. His daughter placed her little head on his arm, she was in a deep slumber. If you listened closely you could hear her breathing. It was so silent but it comforted Jungkook.

Lila was happy to see her granddaughter. "She is so beautiful"

Jared glanced at the baby. Something inside him snapped, and Jungkook could see Jared's change of gaze.

"When Y/N wakes up I want you to leave with the baby and never ever contact her again. She can not know about the baby. It is for her own safety. When you leave she can have a better life.

She can start over"

My Love Before (JUNGKOOK FF) (SMUT18)Where stories live. Discover now