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I didn't sleep at all. I was tired but the adrenaline rushing through my veins caused me to stay awake.  I was so so angry. I was furious at everyone.  How could my parents do this to me? How could Jungkook ever do this to me. How could he hide his daughter from his mother? I was so horrified, sad and angry. My life was a mess and a lie.

I didn't know if my feelings were the cause of my sickness, I had been throwing up all morning. Or could I..?

The door from the bathroom opened and it showed my mother with a worried expression on her face. "Are you sick sweetheart?" She was one of them. One of those filthy traitors, who payed Jungkook to keep me away from my past life. Tears of anger filled my eyes. I wish I could scream at her, but my body was too limp. Instead I gave her a cold look.

"How..Could you?" , there was something inside me that snapped. My voice made everything so much more dramatic.  "What are you talking about Y/N?" , she said her expression changing slightly. "You knew...And you never told me?" I didn't want to cry but the tears came so fast, I could not stop them. "Y/N I really don't know what you are talking about?"

"Stop acting like this!! You knew I was pregnant, you knew Jungkook and Yeona!" Shocked my mom took a step back. Now it was her turn to let the tears flow. "Oh God I-I-wanted to tell you, someway but I thought it was better this way" She crouched down. "What in the world would make you  think that this was alright?"

My mom started sobbing, I should have felt guilty, but I was filled with rage. "I am so sorry", she fell down on her knees. I saw the fear in her eyes. She thought she would lose me. Maybe that was the case. 


(6 pm the day before)

"So you are telling me that Y/N's parents payed Jungkook to stay quiet" , Maybel said. The whole story was very hard to progress. She was sad for what happened to her best friend, she thought it was unjust. Maybel wanted to help her. "Now you are making Jungkook look like one of the bad guys. He wanted what was best for her, he wanted a better life for her" , Taehyung tried to defend his best friend. 

he Maybel frowned. "And that is why he had  decided to choose for her, she didn't have any say in this?", she backfired. "Listen, Jungkook saw that during the pregnancy Y/N had such a hard time and although she thought she was happy, her happiness weighed heavily on her" , he finally said.

"So he took Yeona, left the hospital. They never saw each other again. Her parents made sure to erase any clue that showed that Jungkook existed.  When Y/N woke up for a slight second she couldn't remember who her parents were. 

If it were you Maybel I would have done the same"



I should have stayed with Y/N, I should have told her. My heart broke again. And this time I felt like there was no turning back. My daughter Yeona was confused. I finally told her who  her mother was. She didn't understand why Y/N left, sure she was too young. 

It was 2 am and I couldn't sleep. My thoughts always led to Y/N.  I tried to call Y/N but she wouldn't pick up. She must have been furious and I understood completely. Sometimes I say things that I don't mean. But I couldn't explain that to her. I wanted to tell her I raised her daughter on my own, that I loved Yeona with all my heart, that I love her more than anything...

The next morning I received a call. It was from the hospital.

"Jungkook speaking, hello" ,I said first. "Mister Jeon Jungkook it is doctor Hailey Brook speaking, sorry for disturbing you , early in the morning. I only had time to call now because I have a shift that starts in an hour. So yesterday you were here with your daughter Yeona for her heavy concussion?"

I was curious, was it something urgent? Did they forget to mention something about Yeona's health? My words were quicker than my mind. "Yes, I'm listening"

"The girl who was with you we tried to contact her, but she seems unreachable" , I gulped. Did something happen to Y/N? She  didn't answer my calls but she seemed to answer nobody. 

"Yes well, I don't know where she is exactly. But if it's urgent information you can tell me, I will inform her as soon as possible" I would try to contact her. I felt uncomfortable , why was there something about Y/N.

"She felt a little unwell yesterday, so I was the doctor who took her in for a moment. We took a few tests. I thought it might be something she ate or just the flu. When she left I had the results from her urination."

It was quiet for a moment. I was starting to stress , I wanted to say something when she finally answered.

"Y/N is  2 and a half weeks pregnant"


I left home, I didn't really leave. I just needed some time. It felt like everybody betrayed me. I decided to stay over at Maybel's. She was the only one who didn't lie to me. Sooner or later I had to face Jungkook. I didn't know how. I fell in love with him not only once but twice. I really loved him with all my heart. But he did not have the right to choose what was best for me. Yeona meant already much to me, now that I know she is my daughter, it was something huger. The last couple of days I also felt sick, I didn't know really why.

I just hoped it would go over soon.

My Love Before (JUNGKOOK FF) (SMUT18)Where stories live. Discover now