Chapter 10: What Have I Done?

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(pic above is ms. M)
February 14th 2017

ARYN: Everyone is staring at me, "what the fuck did you just do?!" A.J. Asks, he looks mad. "I don't know, I have to go." I say as I push past him and the crowd in front of me. I run out of the cafeteria doors and straight to the girls bathroom. "What are you doing here Aryn, just leave." Samia says to me, she doesn't seem mad it's more like a disappointed look which is even worse. "Hannah I'm so sorry I don't know what happened!" I try to get to her but Samia blocks me. "Aryn, my classroom please" Mrs Meechan says as she walks into the bathroom. I walk to her classroom, there are so many thoughts going through my head. Why did I do that... "Aryn, what happened?" Mrs Meechan asks me. I try to control myself but I just burst into tears, "I don't know, one minute we were talking and the next I just hit her. I didn't mean to I couldn't control myself! Is she okay?" I cry. "Hannah is okay. She's just in shock, as am I" "everything will be okay once she gets back to my house, we'll work this out." "Actually Aryn, Hannah's brother Eli just informed me that they have an aunt on the other side of town, he would prefer if they stay there right now" Mrs. Meechan says. "No! That's too far! She won't be able to go to school!" "Maybe that's for the best, before Hannah's mom did what she did she was planning on moving away from this school. I think their aunt is going to follow that plan." "Please Mrs. Meechan just let me talk to Hannah... I can change her mind." I say crying even more. "It's not Hannah's choice Aryn. She isn't old enough to make this decision, her mom left her aunt and uncle in charge." Mrs Meechan says as she grabs a few tissues from the box on her desk and hands them to me. I wipe my tears, what am I going to do without Hannah...

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