Chapter 6: Something About Kaiah.

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(pic above is Kaiah)
February 14th 2017

ARYN: "In what world is it okay to have sex in the SCHOOL WASHROOM!? Or at ALL at this age!?" Mrs. Tinker is pissed. "Are you trying to get pregnant? Or get STD's, maybe you just want to ruin your life" she continues, "once maybe twice i could understand, but this is EVERY other day!" Her face turns red as she paces and keeps talking. Me and A.J. sit there for about 30 more minutes before she finally lets us go. Me and A.J. part ways as we head to our next class, math for me and science for him. Math class is so fucking boring, its the same thing everytime. Mrs. Minno talks and talks and talks, Xavier and Tanya fight, Nate makes a bunch of moves on Hannah and i sit there in silence doodling on my work sheet. The only intresting thing with this class is the new student here. She's a foreign exchange student, born and raised in cuba but she is also part jamaican so you can imagine how pretty she is. Her name is Kaiah but everyone calls her Kai, she says she is bisexual but she only flirts with the girls. Kaiahs girlfriend is also from cuba and they moved here together, all i know about that is that they grew up together and were basically like sisters so when Kaiahs parents said they were moving of course her girlfriend had to move with her. I hate her girlfriends name, Tatiana... she doesnt even "buss down" like she refuses to, so why give her the name? Im so bored, just a few hours of school to go and then i get to go to A.J.'s for the night! Kaiah comes up to me with a huge grin, "i heard you and A.J. got caught doing the dirty" "yep" i say trying not to blush. I dont like girls don't get me wrong but Kaiah is different... i like her but not in the "i would date you and love you" its more in a way of "i want your body, not you" type. I know i probably seem like a bitch for saying that but she is absolutely beautiful. Soft caramel toned skin, hazel eyes you could just get lost in, surprisingly thin waist but wide hips and of course theres the ass and boobs... anytime she bends over its like heaven, front and back. She also has really fluffy hair that looks like a soft pillow when she lets it out of her usual messy bun...

love is messyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن