Chapter 5: Not Alone Anymore.

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(pic above is AJ)
February 14th 2017

HANNAH: "ARYN!?" I am absolutely horrified and so is Mrs. Tinker who is standing beside me. Aryn pushes A.J. away, she knows whats going to happen. "MY OFFICE NOW!" Mrs. Tinker shouts, i cant say they deserve it but i mean come on! Its a SCHOOL bathroom! Its not even sanitary. As i walk into the library after i do my business i see Nathan, my boy bestfriend. "Hey Hannie Bananie" Nate says as i sit on the table next to him, "for the last time stop fucking calling me that" i say grabbing a book from out of my bag. "Woah who pissed you off?" Nate says, "the double A's" i say. "As in batteries?" "No as in Aryn and Amari", i refuse to call him A.J. "A.J. is an asshole, hes only using Aryn for clout. He was nothing before he met her." "Ain't that the truth" i say stuffing some leftover oreos in my mouth. "You know, you haven't been with anyone for a long time... are you over Tate yet?" Nate asks me, wow way to change the topic bud. "I mean, i guess" i hesitate... "Tate can go fuck himself, such an asshole cheating on ME with Tiana like who the fuck does he think he is?!" I rant on. "He's an asshole... you know the old saying, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else" "NATE!" I say quietly with a smile while backhanding his chest. "Come on, your going to be single forever if you don't try" he says, "cool." I say acting like i don't care. "Your alone... on Valentines day, let me take you out!" He says with a grin. "Fine" i say, "wait, really?" He looks really shocked. "Yeah, you can take me out i have nothing better to do. Pick somewhere nice and tell me at lunch i got to go" i say as i hop off the table, put the oreos and book back in my bag and head out the classroom door...

love is messyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz