What did he mean it won't be pleasant? What exactly did the future have in store for us? But, most importantly, what did he mean by peace and happiness?  Do we succeed? 

Seeing us all nod in agreement, he revealed,

"In truth, we-"he gestured to the next generation and himself, "haven't actually met half of you."

My heart constricted and looks of shock and tears swept among the first generation. Yet, none of us spoke, too eager and curious to find out who exactly will break our hearts.

"Later this year, there will be a battle in the Department of Mysteries where Voldemort will reveal himself to the public. But, as Grandpa-I mean- Sirius is fighting Bellatrix, she sends a curse at him that made him fall through the veil." he looked up at me and then Dad with glassy eyes, as he croaks, "He-he didn't make it."

"No!" Harry shouts, tears pouring down his face, "I just got you back! We have to do something! We can change it, we've done it before! We-"

"Harry." Hermione sniffled, resting a hand on his arm. 

He just shook it off and turned to me with determination in his red rimmed eyes, "Cole, you'll help me right? We can save him-"

I couldn't listen anymore, I felt numb. I couldn't feel Lena's warmth in my side and everyone's voices were a muffled buzz in the background. My mask was up but barely, and if I had to hear Harry anymore, it would crack. So, I stood up and walked out of the kitchen, leaving Harry calling after me. 

I sat myself down by the fireplace in the living room. I could hear everyone trying to calm Harry down and settle their own tears. But I couldn't be in there. How can I comfort the Boy Who Lived about losing his only family member left, when that man was my father? The man, everyone seems to forget, I just got back too. I couldn't be strong for him this time, not yet.

Tucking my knees into me, I let the tears fall and thought of how I'll lose him again. I just sat there watching the flames flicker and break, crackle and pop, burn and grow, as I mourned my father for the second time in my life. Except, this time I knew the truth. I knew he was a good man; a loyal friend, a devoted husband and the most amazing father.

I felt her presence before she said anything, I always do. Lena sat down next to me, not saying anything just looking at the fire. I could feel the heat from the fire but the little brush of our legs felt scorching in comparison. She rested her head on my shoulder and I began playing with the ends of her hair. Twisting the curls around my finger, I began to calm down but there was a pit in my stomach I knew I'd have the rest of my life.

Tilting her head up at me, she whispered, "He loves you."

"I know" I croaked, "But I don't think I can lose him twice, Lena."

"As long as we keep his memory alive and spread his love, he'll always be with us. It's when we forget that he's gone." Lena consoled, "Seeing those kids in there, crying over a man they never met, proves we did. You're a good father, just like he is- not was- is. Sirius leaving doesn't change that."

My heart swelled, with not just her words but Lena herself. She doesn't have to smile to make me happy because she is my happiness. Every part of her exudes love and warmth, from her light brown eyes, to her smile and with every beat of her heart. Without saying a word, I leaned in and kissed her soft pink lips, expressing how much I love her and was thankful for her.

Reluctantly pulling back, I rested my forehead against Lena's just forgetting the world around us for a moment more. Finally she stood up and offered her hand saying,

"Come on, I think Harry finally calmed down."

Sighing, I took her hand and joined her into our morbid reality. As we entered the kitchen hand in hand, I briefly saw Davina look at me worriedly. She scanned my face but upon seeing I would be ok, her eyes trailed down to Lena and I's linked hands and furrowed her brows. 

Except, I couldn't focus on her. Instead I released Lena's hand and walked over to my mother and father as they comforted Harry. I immediately enveloped all three in a hug and whispered, 

"I love you too."


Hey guys!

With the whole Corona Virus outbreak, it looks like I'll be home a lot more. So, lucky for you that means...UPDATES! I know I've been slacking and I'm sorry. It's been hard keeping up with school and writing. But, I've delivered the next chapter as promised.

I also have the next few chapters planned out so there will be a few updates coming soon!

Most importantly, I have recently reread this story start to finish and I just want to say...ouch. I started this a while ago and didn't realize how cringey it is and how much editing I overlooked. That being said on top of updates I will be going back and revising the past chapters I've written. As in cleaning it up and changing some things around. So sorry if your notifications gets spammed :(

Thank you all so much for reading, Time Turner Mishap, I'm so grateful for all of you! But as much as you guys hear from me, I'd love to hear from you!

Comment below:

 Who are your favorite characters in the story?

 Who are your favorite characters from the HP series?

Who do you think Lena is to Cole??

Should I make a spin off story about Cole and Lena?

Time Turner Mishaps {Under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now