Chapter 44 - Finally Free

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Billy turned to Rud and said what Rud had been thinking, "My uncle is not going to leave us alone, is he?" Rud responded, "I am sure when Jimmy and his men show up with those dead bodies few in the town will want to ride after us, but as long as there is money to be made, men will want to collect it. As long as the person willing to pay is alive, we will be in danger."

Patience knew what Rud was saying, but did not like the idea of Rud or Billy, risking their lives to kill her uncle. Her uncle had killed her mother and father, and she would stick a knife in her uncle's heart if she got the chance. But she had just experienced what she thought was life without Rud and never wanted to feel that way again. But what Rud was saying made sense. They had been lucky this time with James and his men showing up when they did. Something had to be done. Rud hugged Patience and told her they did not need to think about it right now.

They all ate supper together then sat by the lake looking at the stars, thankful they were all still alive. Rud got a bit of teasing about having "slept" through the attack. In truth, Rud was glad he had not had to kill anyone, but Rud wished none of them had either. The killing had never bothered Rud, but he was concerned those faces may someday come back to haunt Patience, Billy, or Alice.

Billy and Alice headed back to their cabin, Rud and Patience headed back to theirs. Rud woke a few hours after they had gone to bed, Patience was crying. She said it was just the stress of the day's events, but the way she was holding onto him Rud knew it was also having "lost" him that day. He kissed her and thought it was a good time to bring up something he knew Patience had been thinking about, and so was he. "Patience," Rud said, "When do you think we should start trying to have a baby?"

Patience was truly surprised. Even with just the orange glow from the fireplace, Rud could see the look of excitement on her face. Patience said, "I love you so much." Then she playfully added, "Maybe I am not ready to share you yet," but Rud knew it would be soon. Patience rolled over and slid on top of Rud, kissing him as she went. Rud thought to himself, it might be very, very soon.  

A few weeks later, Charlotte had news about Patience's uncle. When James brought the uncle's men back dead, it weakened the uncle's grip on the town, the boats, and trade in general. With almost all of his enforcers dead, those the uncle had wronged ambushed and executed the uncle the same way the uncle had Patience's father and mother killed.

When Charlotte told them the news, there was no celebrating, just relief they were free of him. A tremendous weight had been lifted from all, and justice was served in a way for Rud's family too. There was still a chance someone might want revenge for some of the men that had been killed, but the person who would pay for others to come was gone. They could finally all move on with their lives.

Charlotte did get a good bit of teasing about cursing those riders as cowards and chasing them off her property with a shotgun. Charlotte, with the slightest hint of a smile, responded, "I have no idea what you are talking about, and anybody that does better keep their mouth shut!"

* * * * *

James's description of Sarah intrigued Patience, and she had written to Sarah just a few days after James had left. Sarah was thrilled with Patience's letter, and they wrote to each other often.

They were the same age, both were born in the town, and despite their father's different financial status, had been to many of the same events, and shared many of the same childhood memories. They realized they had met briefly several years ago when they both worked in the same booth selling tickets to a charity event.

Sarah invited Rud and Patience to visit them in the village, but Rud declined. Although Rud no longer hated the villagers, he had not forgiven all of them for what had happened. Maybe someday, but Rud was just not ready. Sarah understood so arrangements were made for her and James to visit Patience and Rud.

As most men did, James went on hunting trips to bring home meat for their families. It was that time of year, so the plan was for Rud and James to hunt Elk while Sarah and Patience stayed at the cabin.

Sarah and James arrived early in the morning, and Sarah was everything Patience expected her to be. She was smart, funny, confident, and had a very outgoing personality. She was also a very sweet person who talked to everyone like they were a dear friend. Patience knew they would be best friends.

Sarah hugged Rud and told Patience she was lucky, she had a real love story with Rud just like you read about in books. Sarah looked at James, and sarcastically said, "I almost had to propose to him!" Patience could tell Sarah and James were very much in love. Sarah was continually reaching out to James as she talked to make sure he was close to her.

Alice and Billy saw James and Sarah arrive and went over to say hello. Billy knew more of the details about Rud and what happened in his old village than Alice, but neither one knew the whole story. Alice took an immediate liking to Sarah, but just like with Patience and Martha, being much younger meant she sometimes felt left out of the conversation.

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