Chapter 42 - Fight For Their Lives

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After several weeks, life in the valley had settled into a new routine. Every day they expected the uncle's men to ride into their valley, but until they did, life needed to go on. Hunting, firewood, trade goods, cooking, cleaning, tanning hides, it all needed to be done. Every evening was a celebration of having lived another day.

They ate together most nights and would all end up at the half-log bench talking and looking at the stars. Sometimes Rud would wish the uncle's men would come on and get it over with, but was always glad when the day was over and they had not.                           

Rud was hunting along the ridge on the east side of the valley. Billy was cutting wood just off the central trail. Both heard the sound of shod horses crossing the rocky hill at the entrance to the valley. It sounded like maybe twenty horses at a walk.

The number of horses was what concerned both Billy and Rud the most. Not even Charlotte had that many riders. Rud sprinted to intercept the central trail, hoping to catch Billy returning to the cabins.

Rud broke out of the woods and onto the trail about a hundred yards ahead of Billy. Billy clanked his knife against his hatchet when he saw Rud break out of the woods. The quick clank of metal on metal could be heard a long way off and caused Rud to stop and look back toward the sound. Billy caught up, and they both continued running for the cabins.

Alice had heard the riders, too, had grabbed her pistols and ran to Patience's cabin. Patience was waiting when Alice arrived, and they made sure all the guns were loaded, and by the windows in case the intruders were not friendly.

Both women stepped outside as the group of riders came into view. There were fifteen to twenty of them. Seeing both cabins, the group stopped, four riders went towards Alice's cabin, and four riders headed towards Patience and Alice. The remaining riders stayed where they were.

The first group stopped in front of Alice's cabin, drew their pistols, and with the door left open, walked right in. After only a few seconds, they came back out and signaled to the rest there was no one home. The men at Alice's cabin mounted their horses and rejoined the main group. The other four riders, seeing the women were armed, approached slowly, stopping just in front of Patience and Alice.

Alice recognized these men as the four she and Billy had encountered on the road. They recognized Alice too. Their pistols already out, one of the men said, "Well, little Missy." Alice raised her pistols, pointing one at the man who spoke and the other at Joe. Alice, whose iron will and steel for a backbone would give Charlotte a run for her money, gave them a look, letting them know she would not back down.

Alice said, "Hello, Joe, you die first. Then I shoot your mouthy friend in the face." Joe was not feeling very well at this point. Alice had honestly scared him that day on the road, and the last thing he wanted was to have her pistol pointed at him again. Joe, voice faltering, said to the talker, "Your mouth will get us killed." Joe's eyes shot back to Alice, and felt her stare through him to his bones. Joe's "mouthy" friend, now with Alice pointing a pistol at his face, was beginning to think Joe might be right.  

* * * * *

Rud and Billy had seen the riders and changed direction. They ran through the woods to come out behind the blacksmith shed. Rud said, "Billy, get over behind those logs with your sling ready. If they start shooting, kill any we don't get, then meet us at the cabin." Rud headed towards the blacksmith shed. Billy grabbed his arm and asked where he was going. Rud smiled and said, "To fulfill a promise I made to Alice."

Rud went into the shed and pulled "Alice's necklace," as he called it, from a shelf. Rud pulled up his outer shirt to get the necklace around his neck, pulled his shirt back down then put on his heavy leather work apron. Rud picked up a hammer and, with his big knife and woodsman's hatchet on his belt, walked out of the shed towards Patience, Alice, and the men.

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