"I'm okay now" she insisted. Pulling up her sleeves to show her clean skin.


The school had now been put on a strict lockdown by the cdc thanks fo Natalie Martin.

No one was in and no one was out. Men with hazmat suits and masks had flooded throughout the school, setting up quarantine rooms for anyone who was effected by the unknown rash.

Only for the fact that Alex wasn't breaking out in hives, she would have been in one almost instantly.

As for her pain, she had felt fine after that minor episode. However it left her worried for when or if it would happen again.

"Bet they're thinking smallpox" Stiles stated

"Not likely." A familiar voice spoke.

They turned their attention to the filler, his name was Simon. "Smallpox was eradicated worldwide in 1979. We've only managed to completely eradicate two viruses in history. The other was rinderpest. It killed cows"

Stiles shrugged "So we should be comforted by that, right"

"Unless it's something worse"

"Well aren't you great at calming students down" Alex retorted.

"Whatever it is, they're taking it pretty seriously. They're a lot of cars and trucks out there." Malia told them.

"Your dad's with them" she listened further

"Hey, I should probably call him." Stiles sighed. He scooted off the desk he was at on, walking toward the box of enclosed envelopes

"Don't bother." Simon stopped him

"Why not?" Isaac asked

He shrugged " They would have shut off any access to all outside communication by now. No cell service, no WiFi. No one starting a panic. Looks like we're all just going to have to wait here and see what happens."

Alex sighed  "well if Simon says" 


After a woman was electrocuted from trying to take a vile of blood from the fox. They were forced to hide out in the locker room.

By now whatever was in the air was beginning to effect the wolves. Scott unable to control his shifting, Isaac and Malias claws on show for anyone to see

"It's still happening?" Kira asked

Malia huffed, her claws refusing to retract "I can't make them go back"

Isaac sighed, his fangs now taking place of where his teeth should be "I'm getting worse"

"Obviously the virus is affecting the three  of you in a way it won't hit any human being". Mr yukimora assumed 

"Yeah.. Alex the same happened to you" stiles mentioned

"What happened?" Mr yukimora asked

"My veins turned black, like every vein My body and pain took over. It was like a combination of everything I had ever taken"

"She passed out" stiles added

"You guys have to stay out of sight." Stiles agreed with the teacher "We have to quarantine you from the quarantine"

"Yeah, but where?" The fox asked "I mean, what if they get violent? Like on a full moon"

Scott let out short uneven breath "We shouldn't stay in here...Not in the locker room."

"A classroom is not going to hold us" malia sighed

"What about the basement?" Alex asked

Scott shook his head "Too many ways out. We need something secure. Somewhere nobody can find us."

Stiles looked at his friends " The vault. The hale vault

"The Hales always have an escape route." Scott agreed,  "Like their house. There has to be another way in"

Mr yukimora left the locker room, within 5 minutes he was back with the blueprints for beacon hills. He spread them out and they all began assessing it, stiles taking more attention to them, remembering how he used them when void took over.

"This is where the school sign is, so the vault's got to be right about here" stiles pointed

"I suppose if there's a second entrance, it would probably be accessible from the basement" mr Yukimora nodded

Stiles pointed "It's probably somewhere in this hallway. West corridor..."

His sentence trailed off, he stumbled forward nearly collapsing on the blueprints, Alex's hands reacted with reflex, she quickly took a hold of him. She looked at him further and noticed his skin painted white as the color began to flush.

Taking the back of her hand she touched it against his forehead,"stiles honey, you are burning up"

She glanced down at his wrists and noticed the spreading rash.

"It's happening to you too. You're getting sick. You all are" mr yukimora told the teenagers

"I don't feel sick." Kira shook her head

"I think it's affecting you differently, neurologically." He pulled out her test

"I found your test answers here in a pile with the others"

Kira looked down at her test, her brows knitted together as she hadn't realized her mistakes. Alex glanced over and seen she had Scribbled circles outside the designated spots.

Taking to their plan quickly. The teenagers made their way to the basement.

"Hey, guys... Over here." Stiles beckoned his friends

Scott hurried over to his friend and helped moved the old bookcase out of the way, behind it revealed the triskele symbol with designated spots for a hale wolfs claws.

Scott Isaac and stiles shared a few glances, they had to figure out a way to ask Malia hale to open the vault without mentioning she was in fact a hale.

Alex rolled her eyes "malia can you try open the vault?"

"Why me?" She asked

Scott held up his plain bad "I don't have control"

"Me neither" Isaac showed her his bare hand

She nodded "Okay. I'll do it. But first tell me what you've been hiding from me" 

Alex looked to her boyfriend, hoping Malia wasn't about ask the golden question.

"I know you think you're trying to protect me, but I can handle it" she assured her friends, leaving them in suspense.  "I know I'm on the list"

Alex let out a breath of relief, feeling her shoulders un- tense. Although she still felt guilty for hiding the truth, she was glad it wasn't coming out today.

"So how much?" She asked

"How much what?" Stiles asked in retuned

"How much am I worth?" She asked

"Four million." Isaac answered

Malias gaze softened, she looked down to her feet.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked

"Yeah. Alex is worth 30 Scott's worth 25, Kira, six.. They'll take you guys out way before me." She shrugged.

Walking past stiles she fit her claws into the engraved marks. Twisting the lock the door opened

They all walked in looking around the dull room. The door closed behind them, leaving them in safety from the rest of the school.

𝙑𝘼𝙇𝙐𝙀𝘿 // 𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙠𝙞Where stories live. Discover now