The Assessment

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Heyy  just wanted you guys to know that I'm happy you are reading this! I'm giving you a great opportunity if you want me to add your own character just comment on this chapter tell me the name and description and personality and I'll add them



I slept in a tree somewhere in the woods, I didnt like the idea of sleeping near strangers.

Now I'm waiting until Shadow tells me to do something for this "assessment". Cinder purred in amusement and I growled at him. I heard it first, the rustling in the undergrowth I perked my ears in it's direction. Cinder's ears twitched but he didn't move just meowed a greeting when Shadow emerged though the bushes.

I doped my head in respect eben though I haven't been accepted yet I wanted to show some.

"OK let's start with tree climbing its a hunting technique." I looked around and bounded toward an oak tree, I leapt up toward it hind claws extended so that I could keep my balance. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Shadow and Cinder gasp as if they have never seen a cat climb. I stopped when I reached a night branch and crouched low and leapt paws out in front of me headed strait toward Cinder.

He yowled in surprise as I landed on him purring loudly. I had one paw on his neck And the other on his lower belly. "Oh get off me you great lump!" He growled as I purred in my amusement. I got off and sat down in front of Shadow looking for what to do next. "Welcome to the group River."

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