The Meeting

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"Well Cinder, why am I here?" She had a sharp tone in her voice. "Your here because I ask-" she cut him off "I here because you asked me to?!" She snapped at him causing him to jump back.

"Yes, your here because I asked you to and I wanted to know why you were in our territory." He stated firmly hoping to get her to answer like because I wanted to join you or I need a place to stay. While lost in his thoughts he hardly saw her stand up and face him.

"I am in your territory because I am a rouge and that's what we do, we enter territories stay a while and leave." Her cold voice sent chills running up and down his backbone. The pretty silver tabby with light gray stripes began to walk away.

He trotted up beside her and ran in front of her to stop her from leaving. He took a deep breath and said "I want you to join my group."

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