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The cold on the wind was bone-chilling, to the young she-cat, whose name was River. She trotted slowly through the strange place looking for a place to sleep.

She stopped, scenting the air. Her eyes went wide, oh no, other cats! Hide hide hide! She shot up a near by tree looking around for the cats she scented. She spotted the small group of cats walking through the undergrowth. All three cats were toms, one molted brown tom with long legs and tail with tiny ears that didn't match his lengthy body, a tom that was dark grey with a pale gray scared muzzle, she guessed he was soon to retire, last lagging behind was a stunningly handsome silver tabby tom with eyes she could have swore were made of ice. His stripes were almost black while hers were light gray. They all carried prey, including they handsome tom in the back. Good, they have prey hopefully they won't smell me over it.

Then, the handsome tom suddenly started looking around. Mouse-dung he's going to see me.


Hey I hope your hooked and please comment on any mistakes and of you want me to add your own character just comment the name and description and I'll see what I can do ;-) thank you!!

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