That Programme Sounds Familiar

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Chapter is set at the start of Season 3 / the ending of Season 2

a/n: this chapter is the longesttt one i've written so far. the ending was getting difficult to describe, so, i apologise if it sucks. theres also probably so many grammatical mistakes too omgg.

THIS IS LIKE an alternate idea of the story between Will and Elise. where Amelia meets a guy (oooh guess his name), Will meets Elise and in turn, Amelia and Will both get envious??? let me know if you want a continuation of this idea instead of the one-sided jealously of Amelia, Will and Elise.

anyway, i hope that it isnt too rushed and illogical. and now, i shall end my small note to all of you, goodbye and enjoy reading!

A dreading realization hit Will, that now Amelia had now met an old friend, who was a little less smart than her, but that wasn't the point. That new person shared the same interests as her, and when they laughed together, he couldn't bear the thought of them.

But he's not the jealous type. He was just suspicious.

Maybe he was just lying to himself.

Crafting models and making a difficult mess to clean up was always Will's thing. His bed's mattress would somehow end up lopsided and he'll always figure out that he was wearing his shirt backwards. Although he was outstandingly quick-witted, he was still the biggest baby in the family. And honestly, Amelia couldn't help but agree.

Judging him, she asked in a rather 'weirded out' tone, "Who even builds models nowadays?"  Put parts A-1 and A-2 together, put a line of glue on B-6's crease, she could never understand how that was not boring. It was so boring! Expecting him to say something, he stayed quiet. He would've defended himself, however, he didn't, which was odd. She bet that he was too busy putting his parts together. But nevermind, she shrugged it off. Even if the conversation had no potential in continuing, she proceeded to speak up again, "You know I was just joking with you, right?"

She wasn't. It was very boring.

He could listen to her constant rants, without saying a word, forever and he would never get sick of it. Her voice was soothing to hear, and it was nice to know that she'd come to him to unburden whatever she was carrying on her shoulders. He wanted her to talk as long as she could. As Amelia always had time on her hands, she could chat with him whenever she liked. She could give a whole timeline of her life and he'll listen attentively, even if it seems like he's not. She simply just needs the acknowledgment of his presence and off she goes, mouth running like a water tap. But, it didn't always stay that way.

She didn't always have time for him.

On the Jupiter 2 with 97 children aboard (no adults), there occurred many opportunities to make pals. And little did he know, that someone decided to chip in and take a bite of her time to leave less for him. He wouldn't say that he hated their guts or absolutely envied them, he would put it as 'Why-do-you-so-desperately-want-to-be-friends-with-Amelia-Scales?' Will laughed at himself, she indeed was charming. But he wouldn't allow anyone to touch or break her heart other than himself. With Amelia's such breathtaking looks, there was such a big possibility of a huge number of boys just crushing on her.

Not saying that he was part of that number.


"Alright, all comms are operational. Amelia, I need you to stay here to take control of the ship. We don't need another problem where we crash into floating debris," Judy commandeered, now as the only captain and adult on the ship, she was the only one who made the final decisions. "Alright, but, I can help," she protested. "No, I need you here. I, Penny and Will are going to the Fortuna to check for any alive passengers,"

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