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Stuck, on a planet, in the middle of nowhere, three children had fallen on a metal trench. As the rest of the four others helped them to get out, the three both have conflict and spill the truth.

(the ending of this chapter has been edited)

"We're stuck here," he said, frustrated. Now 85 meters deep on the metal trench, there was no way they were going to get back on their Jupiter without difficulty. "You three brainstorm down there and we'll do the same up here!" Judy yelled through her microphone, grabbing a piece of paper to figure out a solution. Penny, who was one of the ones who had fallen, looked around to examine the mesmerising view of the trench. She still can't believe that it wasn't made by mother nature.

"Maybe you can bounce geometric formulas to get us out of here," she implied. "Geometry isn't going to get us out of here, Penny," Will talked back. "Well, maybe you have an idea," she signified Elise.

She answered, "Me? No, I've got nothing, I don't-"

Penny indicated, "–Come on, your parents are technicians, so,"

"But, you're Penny Robinson. Your mother is a scientist. If you can't figure out an idea then that means that I can't, " she spoke.

Sighing, Penny gave up. "You two, stop. I'm sure Amelia, Judy, Mom and Dad can figure it out. There's no time to argue, we need to work together," Will asserted. The loud roars and rumbles of thunder drowned his voice. Dark clouds continued to multiply and stretch across the sky. They were running out of time.

"How long do we have before the lighting hits?"
"Uh, 85 minutes!" Maureen, Penny and Will's mother, answered.

Elise looked at Penny, "You know, my parents are great, but I'm always gonna be the black sheep in my family,"

"If Amelia got stuck here instead of me, you guys would solve this brilliantly," she continued.

"What? That's not true," Will defended.

"Yes it is, have you noticed how much I've contributed to get us out of trouble?"

Penny silently watched the two argue. As the least favourited in her family, she could relate with Elise's words. The boy stayed silent, looking up above at their Jupiter. "You guys are so strange," he mumbled.

"Who are you referring to?" Penny questioned, feeling accused.

He looked at her, "Amelia and Elise,"

Then, she mouthed an 'Oh' as soon as she realized.

"You guys just stir up jealousy. I don't know, " he added.

Penny mumbled, "And you two had a fight,"

Confused, he asked, "Hey- how do you know that?"

Biting her lip, the girl looked down with her arms crossed. Tapping her feet, she guiltily replied, "Amelia told me,"

Internally screaming, Penny tried to change the topic to ease everyone off. She promised Amelia that she would've kept it a secret and Amelia promised Will that everything between them would be a secret. However, now that Will knew that Amelia wasn't as honest as he thought, anger boiled within him. And now that Penny had ridiculously spilled what she knew, she impended that Amelia would be mad too.

"I really don't wanna die here, so, like Will said, lets think of something during these 70 minutes," she laughed.

"Penny, just stop," Elise spoke.

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