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She had always wondered what it could have been like.

Awoken by her stomach aching, Elise left the room in her shared bed in pin-drop silence to keep Will from awaking too. Knowing that she was the only one who was walking around on the ship at this time, she calmly made her way to the bathroom to put her stomach at ease. However, another soul was awake too. The other girl who had awoken was tip-toeing around the curved corridor of the ship, knowing that she wasn't alone.

It was Amelia.

Swiftly lurking in the shadows, she made it to the one room she desired. Will and Elise's bedroom. Knowing that it was only him inside, she easily stepped in and closed the door behind her quietly.

He was soundly asleep.

Making her way to the empty side of the bed, next to Will, she slipped under the sheets. Bitterly, it smelt like her.


and him.


Their mixed scent was hurting her. Although it was wrong to be laying here, next to him, innocently wondering what it would be like this close to him every night, she stayed, just for a feel. She remembered what it was like, crying into each others shoulders, hands intertwined. But now their hands were letting go. The other was leaving and was now finding someone else new.

And she remembered when they fell into that river, when they were nestled in sand and when she helped him understand that he wasn't a bad person for protecting a robot. She had done so much, and now it was wasted. Will isn't a bad person, this isn't his fault. It was her's, she was the one who pushed him away because of her stupidity, idiocy and jealousy.

She could see that Elise was no where near that kind of character. That was why they clicked so well. Now it all made sense.

Slipping out of the sheets, tears ready to fall, a raspy voice broke the eerie silence.

"What are you doing here?" he said, slight annoyance in his voice.

Turning around, she looked back at the room. "I'm leaving," she swallowed.

He looked to his side, stared at the wall for a while and continued making bad eye contact with her, "I know you want to talk,"

She opened her mouth, then shut it tight, then opened once again to speak, "—No, really. Theres not really much to say-"

"Hey, what's going on in here?" Elise asked, breaking the conversation. Will looked at her, lips slightly parted. Elise had only added to the thick tension between the two. Scoffing, Amelia finally left the room. Walking down the dark corridor, she fidgeted with her hands, finally figuring what it would be like tonight

;how it would have possibly been like next to him.

Now as the voices were fading from her mind, she buried her face into her hands as she was now alone with her thoughts.

LOSTINSPACE, will robinson scenarios Where stories live. Discover now