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Adventure awaited him as he was now back on track. After being ripped away for seven months, he was looking forward for a little bit of space.

But not all things go as wished.

"Docking procedure success, you may leave the flight vehicle," the ship spoke. "God I've never heard that friendly voice say that in forever," Penny yawned in relief, glad to be back on track. After being ripped away from the Resolute for seven months, the Robinsons were longing to hear several voices again. Penny was longing to see Vijay, Judy was looking forward to no longer continue getting cooped up with the same people for months, and Will was elated that he'll get to see his friend again, Amelia. Don, on the flip side, wasn't too willing to go back to work. He remembers leaving the other mechanics stranded, and now that he's back, he can't run away from them.

"Come on Will!" rushing him over, Judy waved her hand to catch his attention; he was drifting off at the sight of the Resolute. "Excited to see everyone again?" Maureen chuckled with hands in her pockets as she saw him nod.

"Let's just hope Dad stops growing white hair," Penny laughed.

Now, at the exit of their Jupiter, the family patiently waited for the doors to open, anticipating a huge welcoming committee. Will's heart was beating, his skin was burning, he was nervous. As much as he wanted to see his friend, he couldn't help but worry if she had changed.

The friendly robot voice spoke up again, "In three,"



"doors are opening,"

"Robinsons!" the crowd screamed. People and people were swarmed like bees. The place was filled with yelps and screams and the family just stood there at the centre of everyone's attention. In the huge cluster, Will's centre of attention was only on one person.


"Will?" a voice ringed in his ear.

"Will," he looked around, trying to find who was calling his name. It was definitely coming from somewhere.

"Will!" the voice screamed.

Then, there was no welcoming committee. Everyone was leaving. There was no cluster awaiting before him.

"Hey Will," his father grabbed his shoulders.

Then he realized, he was only imagining.

"Are you okay?"

LOSTINSPACE, will robinson scenarios Where stories live. Discover now