A Sixth Contender

Start from the beginning

"So we kill 'em." Horror stated, his fingers tapping absentmindedly on the handle of his axe. He jumped as something unseen seemed to spook him and he glanced to the side of him with a raised brow. Dream figured it was probably Lust.

As Horror spoke, him, Error and Cross all seemed to feel it again. A desperate wave of pain. Cross showed nothing more than the tightening of his hands into fists. Error's body glitched wildly. Dream didn't know much, but he could something. Another spirit was here.

He couldn't see it, but he could sense it. And it seemed Error and Cross could too. No doubt, Lust did. On his other side, Dust kept glancing at something and muttering seemed under his breath. They all turned their attention to Cross as he stood up. "Sorry, Error, was it?"

Error turned a glare to him, but it was clear that he somewhat feared Cross. Cross tipped his head. "Come with me." His voice held no hint of a suggestion. He turned away and disappeared with Error down a hallway. Dream gulped.

"I... I'm going to make sure they don't kill each other." He said, glancing back at Killer. Killer seemed surprised before nodding.

"Probably a good idea." Nightmare muttered on the other couch. Dream managed a shaky smile before he moved after Error and Cross. He came out into the hallway and followed it until he found them. Cross glanced at him.

"Good, you're here." He said. Dream nodded. Error glanced at him suspiciously. He gestured with one pixelating hand towards Dream and Cross shook his head. "No, he isn't like us. He's a medium. The dead can speak through him."

Error's body fizzled and he turned to look at Dream in fascination. It made him squirm. "Y-Y-Y-You sensed it t-t-t-too. There is a-a-another spirit here." Error stated. He crossed his arms. "H-H-He must have followed m-m-m-me."

Cross and Dream blinked at him. "Why would the spirit follow you?" Dream asked uncertainly. Error sighed in annoyance, rolling his eyes.

"I k-k-k-killed him." Error said. Cross was quiet for a moment before letting out a scoff.

"That would do it." He muttered. He turned to Dream. Dream had fallen quiet. He could sense it. Something was pushing at his mind. It wanted to speak. He glanced up at Cross for a moment, his SOUL pounding.

"I-It wants to speak. H-He... He wants to speak." Dream quickly corrected himself as the presence let out a wave of annoyance. Cross raised a brow. "Should I let him?"

"Your choice." Cross answered quietly, clearly not going to push him in any direction. In a way, it felt relieving to make his own choices, but at the same time, it was frustrating. He had no idea what to do. The presence pushed at his mind more urgently.

Dream gulped. "I... think I'm going to let him speak... But please tell me after what he had to say." Cross nodded, calmly saying that he would. Dream gulped and focused on the presence. It seemed to let out a wave of relief.

Dream closed his eyes and let out a deep breath.


Cross wasn't exactly sure what to expect when Dream opened his eyes. Chara was behind him, contentedly hostile towards the new spirit. Immediately, Dream's eyes shot open and one eyesocket was empty. The other had a small, glowing red eye light.

He spoke in a raspy, growling voice as he took a defensive stance. "Son of a BITCH!" He snapped. Error glared back at him. Cross snapped his fingers, getting the spirit's attention. "Don't snap your fingers at me! Who the hell do you think you-"

He choked for a moment as his SOUL lit up purple and Cross suspended him in the air. He held out his other hand and formed his large, glowing red blade. The spirit seemed to pale at the sight of it. Cross stared at him steadily.

"When I let you down, you will tell us your name and why you're here. Understood?" Cross said quietly. The spirit growled, but Cross only tightened his grip and the spirit swore.

"Fine!" He hissed. Cross let him down and the spirit collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily. Cross stared down at him The spirit seemed to move his gaze between him and Error. Cross knew that look. He was sizing them up. Not a wise choice, surely.

Cross impaled the knife in front of him and the spirit seemed to falter. He blinked as strings whipped out next to him, ensnaring Dream's body and the spirit growled, swearing loudly. He thrashed around, inhaling sharply as the strings grew tighter.

For a moment, Cross was even somewhat amused to hear such foul language coming from Dream. In fact, it was almost laughable. He approached the spirit. "Name. Now." He said firmly.

"Fell!" The spirit spat at him angrily. Cross gave a quiet nod. He didn't really care about his name, it was more of a courtesy thing.

"Why're you here?" He asked. Fell growled at him from Dream's body and yelped as the strings grew tighter. "Careful. We don't want to hurt Dream too bad." Cross warned, glancing behind him. Error rolled his eyes and loosened them a bit. "Why are you here?"

"Because you fuckers are about to kill my best friend! And I'm gonna fucking stop you!" Fell spat. For a moment, Cross was taken back. He felt a coldness in his chest as he let out a small bout of laughter. Fell seemed aggravated by it.

Cross lowered his gaze and his eyes lit up. "That's adorable, Fell." He admired the bravery, but just the thought. It made him laugh again. "You? Stop all of us...?" He tipped his head. "That's cute."

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