Chapter Eleven: The cats out of the bag.

Start from the beginning

Humming she turned her attention towards Taehyung who ushered her over to the window.

Walking over  Taehyung pointed out the window smiling as she stood beside him and turned her eyes to the glass.

'' Oh, it's finely snowing!''

She exclaimed causing the three other males to scamper over to the window.

'' I was wondering when it would finally snow, it has been pretty cold all last month and this month as well,''

Jimin said pushing the curtain back more as they watched the white flakes dance through the sky gently falling to the ground below.

They all stood by the window a little longer enjoying the comfortable silence as they watch the snow slowly cover the ground until it was mostly white.

'' Well!''

Jin clapped his hands together causing the others to look up at him.

'' Shall we start up the game?'' 

He said cheerfully making Jungkook cheer run and fling himself onto the couch.

Y/N smiled following the others as they moved away from the window.

A sharp hiss came from Y/N catching Taehyungs' attention.

'' What's the matter?''

'' Oh its nothing, my back just hurts a little,''

She replied composing herself and walking over to the couch.

'' Oh, how did that happen?''

'' Meh probably from lifting heavy boxes at work today, I'm sure it's fine.'' 

Y/N waved him off smiling sitting down on the couch beside Jin.

'' Alright, I say Jin Taehyung and myself against Jungkook and Y/N!'' 

Jimin declared.

'' Hey, that doesn't seem fair,''

Taehyung said to which Jin and Jimin shook their heads.

'' I have played Mario cart longer then Jungkook and trust me when I say he can surpass anyone in this game, so I believe it is suitable since it will give us a chance at winning maybe one or two matches.''  

''Well  Y/N isn't terrible at Mario cart so this should be fun.'' 

'' Hey Taehyung, your only saying that because your the one who always falls off the map!'' 

Y/N shot back, Taehyung only sticking his tongue out in response.   

'' Right then, let the hunger games begin!'' 

*----Time skip----*

When Y/N meant she was sour earlier she meant it, but now she was in pain. Throughout the game, she tried just concentrating on that instead of the burning sensation her shoulder blades were feeling. A headache had also to slowly growing, pounding in the back of her head.  

She was still confused as to why her back was acting up and tried thinking of any reason it would be aching like this.

'' Y/N concentrate we were winning!''

Jungkook whined as Y/N snapped out of her daze.

'' Eb-Uh right sorry!''

Jungkook groaned falling back into his spot on the couch as Y/N came in fifth place, Jungkook in first.

'' You  just won the game anyway so stop pouting.''

Jin sighed while Jimin poked his friend's cheek snickering.

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