Chapter 24: Conflict vs Resolution

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Two weeks later.

"What do you mean you don't like Halloween!?" You yelled as Sam served you and Dean mugs of steaming coffee. The three of you had finally fallen into as much as a normal routine as you possibly could. The occasional simple hunt, a vampire here, a witch there, and a lot of time for relaxation at the Bunker.

The date was October 31st; Halloween. Growing up, your parents would try and give you as much of a normal childhood as possible, but while being a hunter, that was always hard. Halloween was one of the only days where you got to live as someone else, only for a little bit.

"The loser never has!" Dean exclaims, mixing the sugar into his cup before passing it to you. Sam rolled his eyes and sat down across from you.

"Our life is practically Halloween, why should I like the fake version? Plus, it's not like we ever did anything for it! Dean or Dad would buy candy some times but that was the extent of it." The other Winchester groaned, putting his head down and trying to ignore the bickering.

"That's bullshit. This year, we're all dressing up, and we're going out. We're doing Halloween right— ooh! Maybe matching outfits, huh?" You wiggled your eyebrows at the two brothers, immediately getting Dean excited and Sam disappointed.

"Yes, 100 percent, yes." Dean raised his cup in a toast and you clinked your mugs together, laughing at the scowl on Sams face.


"Oh come on, Sammy! Please! Dean and I will do all the work, you can just sit there and look pretty." You offered, hitting Dean lightly when you scoffed at your proposal.

A couple seconds passed by before Sam reluctantly gave in, saying that he'd participate in whatever festivities the two of you would plan.

"By the way, where's Cas?"

"He took Charlie back to Washington a couple days ago, he should be back soon."

"That sucks, I barely got to know her."

"You'll see her again, don't worry bout it." Dean said, running his hand through your hair as Sam tried not to feel too awkward.

"Yeah I know... it's just all this testosterone is, quite frankly, sickening. Fatal, in fact." You taunted, taking a sip of your coffee as both the boys pretended to act hurt by your comment. "But seriously, though, I need to get out of the bunker for a little. I need to get ready for tonight anyways."

"Are you sure you want to go alone?"

You raised an eyebrow at Dean, noticing that Sam did the same.

"Uh, yeah, I can handle myself." You told him with a curious smile before picking up your mug and making your way towards the door.

"Dean?" Sam asked as you left the kitchen.


"Don't suffocate her, dude." Was all Sam said, earning a soft sigh from Dean before he started to follow you back.

"I know, Sammy, i've got it."

By the time Dean caught up with you, you were pulling on a pair of jeans in the doorway of the bathroom. Your eyes widened as he startled you, but that surprise quickly turned into a scowl when he chuckled at you.

"Don't you know how to knock?"

"Last time I checked, this was my room." He smirked, walking up towards you and grabbing your hands before you could button your jeans.

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