Chapter 3: Sweet Cherry Pie

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Swingin' in the living room swingin' in the kitchen
Most folks don't 'cause they're too busy bitchin'

You and Dean sang along to the cassette tape, drumming your fingers on the dashboard and swaying your heads to the beat. You swiveled your hips in the chair as the song continued, dancing as best as you could in a seated position.

Swingin' in there 'cause she wanted me to feed her
So I mixed up the batter and she licked the beater

You seductively yet jokingly flicked your tongue over your finger and made eye contact with Dean, who immediately turned red in the cheeks and turned his eyes back to the road, tightening his grip on the steering wheel.

I scream you scream we all scream for her
Don't even try 'cause you can't ignore her

"You heard it, Dean, you can't ignore me!" you yelled over the music, reaching over to gently slap his cheek. He went quiet, but you saw the corners of his lips turning upwards and he swatted your hand away.

"She's my cherry pie, cool drink of water- " He sang, grinning like a mad man

"Such a sweet surprise, tastes so good make a grown man cry" you acted out, while belting out the tune and still wildly dancing in your seat.

sweet cherry pie, oh yeah


Once you reached the old diner at around 4pm, you hopped out of the Impala and ran to the back of the building. Dean called out for you, but eventually just picked up the pace and ran behind you.

"Oh hell no!" you screamed out, as you circled around your black car. You saw the hood popped open with steam coming out of the engine. Key scratches lined the doors and windows, and 2/4 of your tires were popped.

"Is that a '67 Cadillac DeVille!? Awesome." Dean said, his eyes shining with admiration at your now destroyed car.

"Yeah, it was, but now some asshat destroyed my baby!" You yelled at him, practically blowing steam through your ears. He quickly dodged the wrench you threw at him that you picked up from the floor.

"Woah watch it bi-"

"Choose your next words carefully, Winchester." You glared, pointing your custom switch knife at him from behind the Cadillac. He slowly raised his arms in surrender, and you flopped onto the grass, laying beside your car. "I don't even have enough money for a car repair shop or tools." You sighed.

Dean looked at you with concern, but also with understanding. You shared something in common; immense love for your cars, and Dean would have flipped shit just like you if it was his Impala in this condition. But instead he said...

"Stop being such a baby, it's just a car."

You immediately sat up, fury in your eyes and your fist clutching your switch blade. You charged at him, taking him to the ground and pressing your blade against his throat.

"This car is the most important thing to me, second being this jacket. If you ever insult my car again, you won't have a tongue to say anything, got it?" You threatened, baring your teeth and whispering into his ear.

"I.. I'm... I love my car too!" He yelled, clearly flustered and blushing. Things went quiet. You blinked at him for a few seconds, then slowly got off of him. He stayed there, lying in shock as you lied down next to him exhaustedly. You closed your eyes as you listened to the wind blowing over your face, and the low hum of cars passing by the diner.

"I apologize." you said in a monotone voice, after minutes of silence and no movement from either you or Dean.

"Whats the story?" Dean practically whispered to you, still staring at the sky. You sighed before beginning your story.

"I grew up in this car... it was my dads. Before he uh..." You paused, sucking in air, "Before he died. Wendigo got him, not important. He and my mom were the poster models for 'true-love' or whatever, and they taught me everything about the world and hunting. I owe them everything. When my dad died he left me this car.He wanted nothing more for me to be happy and travel the world in his Cadi, and if anything happens to it I would have only failed him again. Then when my mom passed, we had nothing on us, so the last thing she gave me was her jacket. Totally badass... but they're really gone now. Gone..." You told him, tears silently falling from your eyes.

"(Y/n), its okay. Im sorry 'bout your parents, they sound good, kid." he said to you, finally sitting up to look over you on the grass.

"Im the same age as you, dumbass." you said, chuckling, taking his hand as you hoisted yourself off the ground. You two dusted the dirt off your clothes and walked back to your Cadillac, and assessed the situation. Once knowing what your dealing with, Dean gave you an idea.

"Hey (y/n), my friend Bobby (yes Bobby is alive in this) can come pick up your car with his tow-truck, but it might be a few days. Ill text him the location and he'll bring it back to the bunker," he told you, clicking on his phone a couple of times before glancing back up to you for approval. His thumb hovered eagerly over his phone before you huffed reluctantly and nodded at him.

"In the mean time...." you asked, winking at him in a friendly manner, awaiting his response. Soon you both yelled 



Picking up two different pies, classic apple and cherry (of course), you jumped into shotgun of the Impala and Dean hit the gas. The ride back was quiet, but you couldn't seem to figure out why. Hours-- minutes ago you had just been singing rock songs and bonding like friends, but now he seemed just as shut off as he was the day you met. Thinking of the things that you could have possibly said to annoy or piss him off, you wondered into thought, not hearing Dean yelling your name over the silence.

"(Y/n)!! Earth to (y/n)? Damn!" he yelled, quickly pulling over the impala to wave his hand in front of your face. You finally snapped out of it and pulled out your gun, instinct taking over your hands. As you caught your breath, Dean stared at you with wide eyes, shining with concern and confusion.

"Sorry dude, thinking again. Not really my best state of mind." You told him.

"What are you thinking about? Truly, not some bullshit answer." He replied, putting the car into park and taking out the key. 

You sighed, taking out your headphones and turning your body slightly so that you were facing him. "Why are you acting all distant and weird again Dean-o? We were just acting like buds, and now your back to Dean "I'm tougher than you" Winchester." You said, never once breaking eye contact.

"Uh.... look, (y/n), I still don't know your deal, and I don't know how dangerous you are. Sam and I can't just let you into our lives yet, when you might leave  any day now." He told you, pausing in between to take in a deep breath, clearly flustered. You understood him, the Winchesters have been through a lot, if the books are true, and you didn't want to just intrude on his life like this-- either of theirs. Deciding on what you were going to do, you turned to him and fixed the collar of his leather jacket, winked and said--

"Oh, my sweet cherry pie, I'm not going anywhere." 

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