Chapter 13: War

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Sam threw his arm over his older brothers shoulder as he struggled to lift him off of the ground, his strong frame bending under the weight of Deans unsupported weight. The hum of passing streetcars and the patter of rain was the only thing that tried to mask Deans strained sobs, but like everything else they failed.
"Dean, it's okay, she's a survivor.... she'll make it through whatever hell or heaven throws at her. I know it... you just gotta have faith." Sam tried to persuade him, but he already saw the glazed over look in his eyes.
"She's gone, Sammy. (Y/n) (l/n) is dead. And I can't get that annoying, pestering hunter back." Dean deadpanned before holding himself up, backing away only to run into Castiel, the angel clutching his head in pain as the eldest Winchester peered at him with hopeful eyes.
"Cas for the love of Chuck, tell me the angel radio is about (y/n)." He asked carefully, but when he was met with the reddened eyes of his angel friend, he wasn't sure he wanted the answer. Yet he persisted.
Then something Strange happened. A tear of blood streaked his pale cheek as Castiel whispered "its her."
Both brothers stepped closer with thousands of questions filling their heads, but Castiel answered them when he regained his own thoughts.
"(Y/n) has reached purgatory. The prophesy is fulfilled, angels and demons have reached the grounds and are practically tearing her soul apart. Her body will remain physically here, and she will have reactions to everything happening there but... at this point she will have to fight her way out. I am sorry, Dean." The angel finished before teleporting out of view, not only because he couldn't bear to face his two best friends as they mourned the loss of someone, but because he was not smart or strong enough to find a way to have stopped this.
After both brothers looked around to see if he was still near, they gave up, Dean practically collapsing back into Samuels support as he lifted your lifeless body up and whispered "let's go home, Sammy."
(A/N: from now on, the regular words will be you in purgatory, and the italic or bold will be from the Winchester's perspective in the bunker.)
Your form ran faster, a red transparent ghost of your body taking place of a physical one. Unfortunately, you still felt everything, the scratches and bruises you got from tripping on upturned roots, and the hunger from no food around you. It felt like it had only been a couple weeks, but from what you had learned about purgatory, it should have been almost two years after you had first died. You didn't blame Cas, you were a demon a cause of the Mark of Cain. You remembered everything you had done, and it still tore apart your heart.
Castiel has warned you that there would be a war on your soul, but nothing had happened... yet. But that would all change today
"Sammy! Somethings happening to (y/n)!" Dean yelled out into the Bunker from your room, and Sam calmed speeding in. It had been two years, and your body was stuck in a comatose stage. Nothing had happened until now, and if it was just starting, both brothers knew it was about to get a hell of a lot worse.
An angel appeared behind you, using their powers to latch on to your left side of your abdomen. You quietly groaned out in pain, suppressing screams and tears as not to attract more angels or demons as the angel struggled to manipulate your soul (which is your form in purgatory).
"Her side, it's bleeding fast! Pray to Cas, Dean!" Sam whisper yelled, brushing pieces of you (h/c) hair out of your face as Dean yelled at Cas in prayer.
"She is unarmed, but fighting. Everywhere she bleeds is where her soul is being manipulated by an angel... when she is fully covered in blood will be the moment she succumbed to the angels.... and when it is soaked in grace her soul will have given into the demons. We can't help her, Dean. She has to fight."
You finally tackled the angel, over powering the soldier before taking the blade from between their fingers and slamming it down into the vessels head before watching the grace flicker out.
"It stopped! Yes! Keep fighting (y/n)!" Dean yelled out to your body as the blood practically evaporated from your previously stained skin and clothing. What was left was a nasty scar down your side, but thankfully that fight was over.
You looked down while trying to catch your breath before slowly looking up. Suddenly, you found yourself surrounded by angels and demons alike, half on one side and half on the other. The forest space you were in seemed much smaller than before, and you wondered how you were going to get out of this didn't know why it had to be you, but they weren't changing their mind anytime soon. Before you knew it, they charged, angels fighting demons as two of the leaders stepped up to where you were dodging the swing of an angel blade in the hands of a demon.
"(Y/n), just turn yourself over to Hell, we all know how much you enjoyed being a demon... why wouldn't you want to be hells biggest and baddest weapon?" A women, dressed in black leggings, shirt, and blood stained red leather jacket, said to you in a low gravely voice.
"Don't listen to that scum, (y/n). Heaven has great plans for you, we just need your cooperation. We swear your soul will endure as little pain as possible." Said heavens representative, dressed similarly but in neutral and white tones.
You glanced back between them before dropping your angel blade from your sleeve to the palm of your hand.
"Sorry guys, but I have some unfinished business back on Earth, so it's gonna be a hard pass on both." You said, smirking.
Both leaders glared at you before charging. And then the fight begun.
"It has begun." Cas whispered from behind both the Winchester brothers. They jumped up, clearing a space for Cas to walk back to (y/n)s body."the prophecy states that when the chosen ones hands turn red and grace soaked.. the fight can only be won by submission... or death and eternal torment."
Dean pushed Cas back, growing "Don't you say that about her. (Y/n) is going to get out of this. Human. Not some super weapon. She is going to fight and win."
"Damn straight." Sam breathed out, his eyes trailing the spread of blood and grace across your skin.
Now all they could do was wait.
2 days later
You were in pain. Equally from both the demons and the angels, your body was in utter agony as you threw sloppy punches to the weakened opponents. The war raged on, as you fought the two leaders for your soul, angels fought demons in the background, weaving behind trees and using powers to throw the enemy into the highest branches.
Suddenly, you felt yourself being lifted off the ground, your body not under your own control as the angel lifted you up, officially taking over half your soul as the same happened with the demon.
"Dean.. Dean!" Sam yelled to his half asleep brother as (y/n)s body was slowly being lifted off of the ground. Blood soaked the right side of her body as grace soaked the left.... the fight for her soul was tied. It was anyone's fight now.
"Don't touch her. She has to do this." Castiel spoke from the corner of the room, facing away from her body as he couldn't stand to watch the pain that filled the room.
(A/N - normal writing style now!)
Suddenly, you fell from the sky, not onto the soft bloodied grass but on a carpeted floor in the Bunker, exploding into a ball of purple light as you hit the ground, feet first. The Winchester's covered their eyes, but when they opened, they saw you, chest heaving up and down as your eyes glowed a powerful, intense purple rather than their normal hue.
"(Y/n)?" Dean asked carefully, tears threatening to pour from his already raw green eyes.
"Dean? Sam? C-Cas?" You spoke, your voice raw and full of pain as your body wavered from your previous stance. "Is it over? P-please.. I can't fight anymore..." you pleaded, hot tears falling down your scarred cheeks as you fell into someone's arms.
"It's over, (y/n). Your okay, everyone's okay, we're okay." Sam whispered to you as Dean supported your head before you hit the ground, lifting you back into the bed.
A sad smile tugged at Deans lips, small tears running from his green orbs as he whispered into your hair, "You're home, (y/n). You're home."

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