Chapter 2: Welcome to the Bunker

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Stepping out of the bar you were instantly hit with fresh air. Taking a moment, you tilted your head to the sky, closed your eyes and breathed it in. Suddenly you were interrupted by a rough push in the back.

"Move it, freak." Dean said to you, his voice gruff and monotone.

"Wow, could you be any ruder?" You questioned, glaring at him as you stepped closer to the black car you were being lead to. The moonlight glinted off of the black exterior of what seemed to be a black '67 Impala. You secretly adored it, but by the way Dean shoved you away before you could touch his car, you decided against giving him satisfaction.

You shivered in the cold, your (y/f/c) t-shirt being your only shirt. Your mind didn't think of the fact that you brought your leather jacket, and instead you stepped into the car, crouching down to fit your head beneath the door. Sam and Dean closed the trunk as they exchanged muffled words in anger. You heard dean yell 'dammit Sam!' before he climbed into the drivers seat with Sam following close in shotgun. As you kicked your feet up onto your backpack (you respected the car) and leaned against the door frame, you heard the loud purr of the engine as the car peeled off into the darkness.


Guided only by lone street lamps and car lights, Dean drove 4 hours to a no-tell warehouse looking building in the middle of no where. On the way there he blasted his Rock cassettes to the heavens, and you couldn't resist stargazing from the window and nodding your head to the classic guitar solos and flittering drum beats. Dean looked at you briefly from the mirror and noticed you looking out the window. He couldn't figure it out, but something about you made him mesmerized. You pissed the hell out of him but at the same time, you were-

"Wake me up when were... wherever we're going." you said sleepily, interrupting Dean's train of thought. You settled up against the window and pulled your arms behind your head, crossing your legs and getting as comfortable as you could be on the backseat of a car. Somehow with the loud hum of music in the background, you drifted off to sleep.


I watched (y/n) fall asleep against the Impala door through the rear-view mirror as Dean looked angrily to the road. I could tell something was off. Ever since we ran into her last year on that vamp hunt, Deans been.... different. She's changed too, though.

"Throw this over her, would ya," Dean said, clearly distracted. He passed me a leather jacket that must have been her that she discarded in the diner. I looked at him funny, trying to figure him out and what had changed in him. I sighed anyways, and leaned back to drape the leather over her form, shielding her from the draft blowing through the window Dean refused to close. I watched her as she instantly curled closer to the familiar fabric, and returning again to her slumber.

"Whats gotten into you Dean? Ever since that night a year ago yo-" I tried, but Dean only cut me off with an excuse of his.

"Not tonight, Sammy. I just..." He licked his lips, trying to find the words that hung of the tip of his tongue. What was so hard for him to tell me? I thought to myself. What was so hard for him to admit?


You awoke to a loud bang of a car door shutting, shivering from the cold again that you believed you were so briefly shielded from in the night. You rubbed your eyes tiredly and glanced around, taking in your surroundings.

"Wake up princess, were here." Dean yelled at you from the window across from you. You glared at him as his lips curled into a smirk.

"Don't ever call me that, Dean-o. Ever." you retorted, extremely aggravated by something Dean thought of as so small. He muttered an angry 'whatever' as you climbed out of the Impala, carefully shutting the door and following a tired Sam and Dean.

Strength - DeanxReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ