Chapter 5: Find Your Own Way Home

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Eventually you all made it to the Night Inn, the cheapest motel you guys could find in this surprisingly populated town. It was still early, so you decided you were going to hit the bar you passed on the way here.

"See ya boys later." You said, being checked into the room and leaving your limited stuff in the trunk.

"Hey where are you goi-" Dean started, but you just shut the door and walked out.

The bar was a bit farther than you anticipated, but you enjoyed the fresh fall air on your skin. You weren't really used to being in a car or inside for long; your Cadillac was a convertible and you preferred keeping the top down. You finally reached your destination at around 7 pm, and the bar was rattling with people. You didn't mind the crowd, at least it filled the silence.

"(y/f/d), please." You ordered from the bar tender, sitting at one of the counter seats. Surprisingly, today your drink was non-alcoholic (remember this), but you enjoyed sipping on it as you gently swayed to the music. After a couple of these you were flushed with heat across your cheeks, having fun and dancing on the floor with a couple different guys. One with blue eyes and dusty hair dragged you over to the bar again, and ordered you another drink. You guys talked and talked as you lost yourself in the music and conversation, completely forgetting about your hunting life and the things you've endured.

Suddenly you were broken out of your wonderful laughter by your arm being grabbed, and a gruff voice yelled your name over the music.

"(Y/n) what you think you doing!?" You looked up to see Dean yelling at you, also spotting Sam in the impala outside the bar.

"Hey, get off of her, dude!" Your new friend yelled, pushing Dean off of you in an attempt to help you. Before you could warn him, you watched as Deans fist collided with his face, his jaw spinning as he fell back into the counter. You stormed out, not wanting to cause anymore drama. As soon as you and Dean were alone outside, you lashed out.

"What the fuck, Dean!" You screamed at him, flinging your hair out of your face and snatching your arm back from his grip.

"No, what the fuck are you doing here (y/n)? Flirting with some low life, getting drunk in this place? How immature can you be?"

"Excuse me?" You turned around to face him. "I'm not the one who drinks their problems away with beer and whiskey every time the world doesn't go their way! And for the record, I wasn't dru-"

"No excuses, you're acting like a child and you know it. Now get in the car, we're going on the hunt." Dean said, cutting you off and stomping back to the impala, where a bewildered Sam sat, clicking away on his laptop. You screamed in frustration and stormed after him.


After an awkward 30 minute drive to an abandoned warehouse, Sam filled you in on what you guys were hunting.

"So get this," he started, shutting his laptop and hopping out of the car. "Apparently this guy, Kevin, was a brute. We're talkin' massive. It was a suicide, hung because the girl he loved denied him." You scoffed as all three of you went to the back of the Impala. Dean shoved you to the side before you went to lift the trunk, forcing you behind both him and Sam.

Sam shot you an apologetic look before continuing, handing you an iron crowbar and a cylinder of salt. "Apparently his tactics are a hand through the heart and of course, lynching. Theres only one thing.... (y/n) loo-"

"Well then, no time to lose right?" You said, faking happiness and cutting Sam off, pushing past Dean once more and strutted toward the entrance.

"(Y/N), wait!" you heard Sam call out to you, but you heard nothing and stood for them across from the entrance door. You gave up on waiting and pushed open the door, the wind rushing through the entrance and howling in your ears.

"All right you son of a bitch. Bring it."


After splitting up, you taking the bottom floor with Sam and Dean heading to the top, you searched the area for EMF and any signs of Kevin. Of course the place was reeking with EMF, but you figured out where his corpse was; in the walls.

When Sam started breaking through, he appeared, his form massive and disfigured, a literal hole through his heart and bright purple and red bruises lining his neck. You swung hard, splitting his ghost in half as he reached out for you.

"Faster Sam, there's not much time!" You yelled to him. "Dean!!"

As you listened for footsteps Kevin flashed in again, this time wasting no seconds before lunging for Sam's heart. In haste you screamed "No!" before blocking your arm out, unknowingly stabbing Sam near his lungs as you watched Kevin's transparent hand disappear in your torso. A white hot pain flooded your senses as they slowly disappeared. Dean bounded up the stair way and saw Sam drop the lighter on the wall as he collapsed, and all Dean saw was your signature knife handle sticking out of his baby brother.

Kevin's body erupted in flames, his arm still inside your heart as you gasped for air, desperately falling to the floor in agony when he was finally defeated. When you finally opened your eyes you were met with Deans gun, him kneeling on the floor next to his brother keeping presser on the wound.

"Tomorrow morning. I want you out of the bunker. When we get back I don't want to see you." Dean said, his eyes watering over as he stared at you.

"Dean, you can't possibly blame me for this! I just saved his ass and got put in a lot of pain for it!" you cried out, enraged that he was kicking you out after what you endured for his brother. He turned back to his brother, no longer facing you but still aiming.

"I dont give a shit (y/n)! You're just an issue, and your one of the worst hunters i've seen! Find your own way home." He said, and with that, you ran out, hijacking a lowlife car and speeding out of that town and into the darkness that consumed you.


Hey guys! Sorry this was lo-key kinda short. I'm struggling with school + updating. However, i'm thinking of start a one-shot book! Yay! Anyways lol thanks for reading and

Until next time,

The writer

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