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Kris -

The world had been destroyed before Kris was born. Demons had invaded Earth, wiping out most of the population. Humans lay in the darkness, most mage hunters changing their appearance and living among the demons whilst other hunters fended for their survival.

Kris arrived in a city that was held by the humans. Demons would come through portals and the remaining hunters would kill them off. The humans slowly expanded their territory, but their numbers too small to make a difference.

Kris looked around, not sure where he was. He wasn't on his family farm, he didn't even know what was going on. His collar was grabbed by a low ranking dwarf and it looked him over, spitting on his face. The dwarf cut into his leg before backing away to regroup with the others.

Kris stumbled back, hitting his head on the dumpster and collapsing to the ground. Red pooled around his leg as he grabbed a piece of glass beside him. He glanced up from the ground, looking as tens of hundreds of dwarfs surrounded him. A black portal had opened beside him, although he didn't know what it meant.

Kris' conscieness faded as his blood loss was too great. His memories on the farm coming to fruition as he wondered who they grew crops for and why his farm looked clean compared to this city. His vision blackened as the dwarfs closed in on him.

"Hello? Hey, get up, you're staining my grass." An older person kicked Kris' side, waking him up.

Kris stumbled up, looking down to his leg that was fully healed, his clothes no longer stained in blood. He looked around at the slain dwarfs, a pile of them sitting in the back of the alleyway. Kris looked to the older person only to see them gone, like they never existed.

"Excuse me, can you help me? I'm lost." Kris walked up to a shopkeeper, only to be shoved away with their scared eyes following him.

Kris kept his head down as he walked around, watching as people murmured incoherent words to him. His language was not the same as theirs, so what was he to do. He came up to a glass building and knocked on the door, the receptionist allowing him in.

"Who are you here to see?" Kris wasn't able to understand her nor respond.

He fumbled with his hands, as she tried to help him speak. The receptionist had seen many foreigners walk in these doors, but never speaking this language. His brain finally registered the language after she asked him more questions and learned about him.

The receptionist sat shocked, the gates were heavily guarded with hungers patrolling at all times. Kris was either snuck in, or dropped in, which was unlikely due to the severe storm that morning. She smiled and motioned for Kris to take a seat as she pressed the red button below her desk. Guards walked up the stairs and apprehended Kris, taking him to one of the
questioning rooms.

"How did you get into Lile?" A woman walked in with buzzed hair and a deep frown.

Kris once again tried to explain himself. The woman didn't understand him, not much to Kris' surprise and motioned for someone else to come into the room. They sat across from Kris in a suit, their eyes glowing red with blood lust. Kris wasn't scared, he didn't understand the situation enough to be afraid.

"We're going to kill you now, you see? You don't belong here, look at your hair! Only non-humans have that unless you dyed it." They grinned and took out a dagger, placing it to Kris' throat.

Kris looked around, his instincts kicking in. He stood up, throwing the dagger at the camera and threw the person into the wall, clutching their neck. They stared, terrified, as their boss watched with a smile on her face. She called someone on her phone before a burly man walked into the room.

"You can drop Francis now." Kris looked to the man, his eyes glowing, before releasing his grip on Francis.

Francis collapsed to the ground clutching their throat as they tried to regain their breath. Kris glared at them before crossing his arms against his chest. The man looked down on Kris with a smile and motioned for him to take a seat.

"My subordinate explained to me that you're not from around here, correct?" Kris nodded and the man continued, "since you're able to understand us, let me explain to you how our society works."

The man began to explain the human society that Kris should've grown up in. How there were three rankings of hunters, Alphix for the strongest, Beaz for the middle, and Zage for the weakest. Kris took all the new knowledge in and the man led him outside the room into a a training gym. He stood there with his arms open and Kris looked at him confused.

"I know you're a hunter, I can see it in your eyes but it appears that you do not. So, try to hit me." Kris looked at him confused, not sure why he wanted Kris to hit him.

The man let out a sigh and charged after Kris, making him dart out of the way and to the other side of the room. The man smiled, liking his quick reflexes. He pulled out a dagger and charged after Kris, the two running around as Kris continued to dodge him. The man grabbed another dagger from his belt and threw it at Kris.

"Fight me back!" Kris held the dagger and continued to run away from the man, not sure how to hold the weapon.

An uncomfortable sensation overwhelmed Kris as he sunk into the ground, disappearing. The man looked around, unable to sense his presence. Kris felt as if he was on autopilot, he wasn't sure what was going on. His body re-emmurged and pinned the man to the ground. The man looked up at him with a smile, watching as one of his eyes glowed white, whilst the other black.

"That's enough for now. Come, let's get some food." Kris followed the man quietly, hanging his head low and covering it with a hood as people stared.

"What would you like to eat?" Kris looked around at the food, unsure of what any of it was.

He followed the man around, getting what he did since Kris didn't know what any of the food was. The two sat down, all eyes on them as they ate. Kris winced as he heard the wind howling outside and perked up, listening to the people eating. Ignoring the man, he went outside, following the noise.

He walked down the streets of the town, stopping as he watched a portal open in a small alleyway by the building. His vision blurred as the wind grew stronger, creatures coming out of the portal. They looked at him, grinning as saliva dripped to the ground from their jaws. One hound pounced onto Kris, he side stepped and watching them surround him.

Kris wasn't sure why he was drawn here, he watched them dance around him. He picked up on their movements and side stepped each attack, watching them fly into the street. His hand still held the dagger from earlier, as he wasn't sure what to do with it. Kris threw the dagger into the portal, a howl echoing in the alleyway.

The creatures began to multiply as more came out. They appeared to look at each other before attacking Kris. His mind became blank once again as a voice called out to him.

"Hey! What is going on here?" The man from earlier walked up to Kris, his eyes wide as he looked at all the creatures pinned to the walls of the alleyway, ice daggers through their bodies.

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