Angel Auction

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"Even angels have demons on the inside."

Cael -

The city was covered in dirt and full of sins, the smell of smoke suffocating. Cael shivered and put a hand up to cover his face. He was supposed to be here to look for another gatekeeper, although he wasn't told where to look.

Walking down a set of stairs in the rain, he noticed a club on one of the side streets. There was a long line that the angel bypassed with boredom. Walking up to the bouncer, he smiled, and was let in. With a yawn, he sat down at the bar, feeling a little guilty about using magik on the bouncer.

As Cael sit, he noticed the many walks of life that danced on the floor. Few people sat at the bar, but he noticed a few people slipping into the back. With a curious eye, he made his way through the dance floor. Feeling all the people dance around him was trivial, and yet he had to keep his calm and people reached out and tried to touch him.

Cael wondered why his subconscious was telling him to come here, already feeling disgusting from all the creatures touching him. He made his way to the back door and looked down on the bouncer. With a large grin, the bouncer let him in. Cael could feel his eyes on his back and held back a shiver.

"He'd fetch a fair price, eh?" The demon snickered at the door before it closed behind him.

"Looks like you don't know what you're in for, good luck." A few people came up to him and bound his wrists and ankles, dragging him to a line full of others.

Cael looked around for the other gatekeeper, feeling a strong magik presence nearby. He loosened the bounds on his wrists and leaned back, looking at the stage. His back was touched by someone as he was dragged out to the stage. Cael glared at the man and undid his binding whilst doing so.

Whispers in the audience grew louder as Cael fought the bouncers. He looked for a way out, only a small sliver of light came from the balcony behind a group of people. His wings fluttered, wanting to be released. Cael bit his lip in pain as he tried to keep them from escaping as the bouncers bound him again.

"Well that was a feisty one for sure. We'll start the bidding now! Enter your amounts at the keypads on your seats." A woman stood before Cael and he glared at her.

As the bidding commenced, Cael grew more angry. He used a bit of magik to turn the dog in her arms into a snake. She let out a squeal and dropped it to the ground, the animal turning back into a dog once it was released from her hands. She started to caress the dog and look around for the perpetrator, causing Cael to smile.

"Alright, the bidding has come to a close. Will the number," the woman looks down on her sheet and grins, "how convenient, will the numbers 13 and 666 come up front to battle it out?"

The people in the audience cheered, making Cael gag at the thought of people fighting. The woman grinned and he noticed her horns and tail were phasing as the people came down. His body shrunk back as he felt the presence of the people near. It was so evil it made him gag, he began to undo the bounds on his wrists until one of the men made eye contact with him.

With a frightening glare, Cael sat still and waited for the two to fight. The two bickered as if they were brothers and he wondered if they were related. With an angel cry, Cael mumbled to himself as his friend Gabriel appeared on the side of the stage covered my the curtain. He tried to motion for him to watch out for the bouncers behind him.

"Get your filthy hands off of me!" He huffed and walked across the stage over to Cael.

He let out a silent prayer that Gabriel also hid his wings. Cael didn't want to think about if these demons knew they were angels. The two men stopped bickering and shook hands with gigantic grins on their faces. One made their way over to Cael as the other stalked over to Gabriel.

"Let me go! Ugh, your hands are filthy!" Gabriel growled at the demon that hoisted him over his shoulder.

"Don't even think about trying to escape now beautiful, you're mine." The demon came up to Cael and he glared at him.

"You cannot own me legally, and please do not touch me." Cael tried to be polite, but the disgust was present in his voice.

The demon raised a brow and shrugged. Completely ignoring Cael's request, he picked him up and walked with his friend across the stage. Cael looked over at Gabriel who appeared to be drugged, and gave Cael a thumbs up. He knew that look, Gabriel had found someone precious to him in a demon of all people.

"You need to stop, I need to go back to work!" Cael muttered and tried to fight the demon.

The demon chucked and Cael shuddered. Immediately thinking back to his job for today. He was helping a gentlemen in an abusive relationship and recommended putting up cameras for evidence. Maybe he should get cameras for this, the black market and kidnapping, although he wasn't sure how much would be done.

"Please call me Azrael, and do not be frightened, I mean you no harm." The demon looked down on Cael with a small smile, and recieved a glare in response.

"I'm looking for someone, I cannot come with you. I must go back to work immediately." Cael looked out of the car window to see that the scenery had entirely changed.

"You cannot leave without my permission from here. You don't know who I am, do you?" Cael looked up at the demon and then away as he felt his intimidating gaze on him.

Azael let out a soft laugh as the car parked. He picked up Cael, who knew better to fight where he was. It was the demon realm, and he could feel his wings fighting to escape. The demon carried him up to a castle and Cael glanced with a bored expression.

The two went inside, the demon ignoring everyone and made his way up to one of the rooms. He placed Cael on the bed and began to undo the bonds that caged him. His hands were hot to Cael's skin and he squirmed at his touch. Once the bonds had been undone, the demon looked over Cael.

"I know you're not a demon, but you're masking your magik presence. Shift," the demon growled low into Cael's ear.

Cael tried to fight the shift but he knew that he couldn't. He thrashed underneath the demon as his magik presence was released. With a sigh of relief, he felt his wings release and get the fresh air that they needed. The demon was shocked, but smiled.

"Welcome to hell, Angel."

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