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"The vampires came and ate our blood supplies. We want to sue."

The investigator yawned, waiting for more interesting stories. An office was nonexistent, it was the investigator's own home. Unable to trust anyone, they only met with people in public spaces or in their homes. The investigator rolled their eyes as another call came in, with a yawn they picked up the telephone.

"My son just disappeared into thin air. There are drawings on the walls of his room and I think he may have summoned a demon! There are spirits around our home, we can no longer sleep at night!"

The investigator was pleased with the story as the frantic parent said the address. Grabbing a new folder, they turned off their lights, not planning to return home for a few days. With a swift click, they made their way to the patron's home. The day was unusually sunny for the cold weather, matching the investigator's mood.

"My name is Killian, please show me to your son's room." The investigator felt at home, the spirits had been awakened here, strengthening him.

"My son, Adonis, was always a weird child. He drew too much, he wouldn't socialize with anyone, including us. We agreed to meet with a psychiatrist and this is what happened after the first meeting."

Killian stopped listening, looking for clues around the room. Diagrams were everywhere as the woman stated, but humans cannot conjure this many with the measly amount of magik they have. Noticing something odd, the investigator moved towards the dresser shoved behind the bed. The woman reached out to stop him, but Killian glared and moved the bed out of the way to get access to the dresser.

"He told us to never-" the woman was cut off as stacks of papers came crashing down onto the floor.

Killian crouched to the ground, examining all the intricate designs. All had some form of DNA of them, ranging from blood to hair, among other things. One particular design caught Killian's eye and he lifted it up. This design was of an extraordinary level of magik.

"You're lying to me, aren't you?"

The woman fumbled, dumbfounded. "What do you mean? I would never!"

Killian rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw. "Humans cannot make these designs. They require magik of full-bloods."

"Well, you caught us." The woman began to cackle, her human form fading away.

The demon stood before Killian and he yawned, knowing that this particular demon was no match for him. He flicked his wrist and the demon was thrown against the wall, the different designs from the walls beginning to burn its skin. With a smirk, Killian continued to look around the room for some ingredients for a new recipe. The demon continued to howl, but Killian couldn't care.

"Ah, you've finally arrived. Lan, what have I told you about playing the upset parent? It never works. Get down." The demon collapsed to the ground as the person walked in.

Killian raised a brow and yawned once more. This demon was a high level, even in their human form they could not hide their golden eyes. Killian looked over the shirtless demon, taking note of all the designs imprinted upon its skin. The demon smirked and stalked towards Killian, only receiving a bored expression in return.

"Haven't met a breed like you before, your blood smells divine. My underlings did a good job of choosing you." The demon reached forward, only for their hand to be burned at the touch of Killian's skin.

The demon removed their hand, before magik began to swirl around it, healing it immediately. They crouched down so that they had to look up at Killian. Confused, he tried to take a step back, only for the demon to stop him in his tracks. The demon roughly pulled up Killian's shirt and looked at the designs that littered his back.

"The name's Adonis love. It's been quite awhile since I've seen a hybrid like you. Your blood must be very delicious."

Killian snarled and thrashed in the demon's grip. Adonis only laughed and picked him up like he weighed nothing. Thrown onto the bed, Killian looked up at the demon with a frown. With a snap, the house began to rattle and fall apart.

"Welcome to the Demon's Lair." The demon smirked as the house morphed into a castle.

Killian now sat on a couch in the parlor, looking at the lavish surroundings. Adonis was surrounded by servants in only a moment. They asked questions, made sure he was alright, and gave him some new clothes to change into. Killian decided that enough was enough, and got up to go to the front door, only for his hand to burn on contact with the door knob.

"They say once you enter a demon's lair, you cannot escape." The demon grinned before sauntering off.

Killian decided to explore, since there was not much else to do. The castle was lavish, but he noticed that there were dozens of people mulling around. Some wore servants clothing, while others did not. Wanting to know more, Killian picks up the demon by the collar and raised it up.

"You should be in the parlor!" the demon squeaks, but with Killian's glare it shrunk down, "what can I do for you, sir?" The demon's voice quaked as it spoke, terrified of the man that stood before it.

"I want information on how to get out of here." The demon cocked it's head, confused.

"I am not at liability-" Killian got annoyed and put the demon down, it scurrying off as soon as he did.

Killian decided to be a nuisance, he wouldn't know why a demon would want to keep one. He walked around the house unattended. Looking out the window, there was a lavish garden outside. His eyes widened as he saw a town in the distance.

Killian looked up at the ceiling on the second floor. In the particular room he was in, there were no designs on any of the walls. He concluded that this room was likely the demon's, many lower level demons need designs to aid their magic. Climbing onto the bed, he laid down and started to move his hands, feeling the magic flow through him.

An intricate black design began to form on the ceiling, slowly taking over the entirety of it. Killian began to feel his conscious fade as the magic grew stronger. His instincts took over until the design solidified, so large that it took over the entire room. He was exhausted, creating a portal to another dimension was not easy.

The air began to feed him back his magik as he stood up, reaching to touch the ceiling. It began to deform until his hand disappeared into the portal. With a grin, Killian began to enter the portal. The locked door began to rattle and he tried to strengthen the magik over the portal.

The demon stalked in fuming, with its horns and tail out, it came up and pulled Killian right out of the portal. It pinned him to the bed and glared down on him. Killian felt the dominating energy radiate off the demon and felt himself shifting. He groaned in pain from not shifting for years.

"Come on love, let me see you." The demon cooed, cupping Killian's face with care.

Killian fought the shift until his eyes rolled back and he passed out. He prevented the shift, and the demon was displeased. Adonis looked down at the hybrid beneath him. With a huff, he tucked him into the bed and placed a kiss to his head.

Knowing that he could hear him whilst asleep, the demon whispered, "I told you that you cannot escape. You are here, forever."

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