The Magician's Horses

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"You can only hide lies for so long before the truth escapes."

Austen -

"We're closing in on the target. Your one o'clock Fay."

The group was currently undercover at a bar. The magik was suffocating with magical creatures the only allowed in. Austen made his way to the bar, watching their target in the distance. He felt someone prick the magik in the air and looked around for the perpetrator.

"Can I get you something?" Austen turned to see a human with a mixer in their hand.

"Are you allowed to be here?" He questioned, signaling his group that he would talk to the human through their connection.

"I'm friends with the owner," his voice was weak, almost feeble, as he spoke.

"May I see the owner?" Austen gave one of his rare fake smiles and the human nodded, running off.

Austen turned back to the dance floor and watched the creatures dance. Fay was currently dancing with Kendra who looked drunk on the magik. He looked for Arian, sighing as him along with an incubus scurried off. It appeared that Austen was the only one who took his job seriously.

"How may I help you?" Austen looked up to see the target standing in front of him.

He tried to reach out to his teammates but they weren't responding and turned to get up to look for them. His chair was spun around and held still by the target. Austen grumbled under his breath and put on his mask. He placed his hand on the owner's.

"I was wondering if you would be able to tell me your best drinks?" He smiled and looked up at him.

The target leaned close and whispered in his ear, "I know why you're here. Your friends are all being taken care of by my minions at this very moment. Come, kitten." The owner walked through the bar and wrapped his arm around Austen's waist.

The suspect led Austen to one of the back rooms. He offered Austen a drink but he politely declined. His body began to tingle as the owner came closer to him, caging him into the chair. He looked over Austen before grinning.

"You think I'm involved with the demon black market don't you?" Austen didn't respond, glaring at him.

The owner sighed, running a hand down his shirt. "Call me Blake, now, what so you want from me?"

Blake picked up a glass from his desk and it filled with a dark liquid before he shot it back. Austen looked at him unamused and continued to sit in silence. He was already getting information just by observing the room. His hand reached out to the empty glass and filled it with water before taking a sip.

"Tell me everything you know about the kidnappings going on." Austen glanced at him before placing his glass down.

The demon paused for a moment before beginning to chuckle quietly. He kicked his feet up onto the desk and leaned back in his chair. His current aura made Austen shiver, it was entirely black and it didn't mix well with his. Blake looked out the window for a moment before sitting up.

"What's in it for me?" He hummed and stood up, walking over to one of the cases.

"Me not murdering you right now? Austen stood up and wrapped his hands around Blake's neck.

He tried to conjure up his magic but wasn't able to. His eyes widened as he stumbled back. Blake looked down on him with a smile. His hands came around Austen, pinning him to the wall.

"You haven't realized now have you? This bar is cursed. Only those given the antidote can use their magik here, so you're powerless." The demon cocked his head, perking up when he heard his office unlock.

Austen stood against the wall with a frown. Like many magical creatures, he wasn't a pureblood, but he was close. His ancestors were shifters, so he may be able to use that to his advantage if it came to it. Someone walked into the room in a long trenchcoat. They radiated pureblood shifter and Austen pressed himself more against the wall.

"Ah, is this him? He's a beauty. I can smell some shifter on him, would you like him to shift?" Blake didn't respond as the man stalked towards Austen.

"Please don't, it's very painful for me to shift." Austen lied through his teeth as he glared up at the man.

The guest stood with a bored expression before looking at Blake. He motioned for the guest to leave but he ignored his gesture. The guest stalked over to Austen and pinned him against the wall. He gasped as the man released his pheromones, making Austen begin to shake.

"That's enough Antonio, go back to Arian." Austen tried to speak but couldn't as he tried to stop the shift.

He felt his fangs elongate but was able to stop it there. Austen collapsed to the floor, being caught in Blake's arms. The room became less vibrant in color, making Austen know his eyes had shifted as well. His body was limp in Blake's arms, unable to lift his arm.

"If you're not working with the underground circle, who are you working with then?" Austen looked up meekly, his personality now submissive with the pheromones.

"I cannot work with them because I am a higher-ranking demon, the underground circle is full of the weakest demons, usually from humans. Demons are not allowed to kidnap. It's one of the few rules they usually follow. I'll work with you." Blake extended a hand and Austen took it.

"Will you let my partners go? They will be removed from this mission immediately if you do so." Austen choked as Blake pressed him closer to his chest and stood up.

"I cannot release Arian, but I can release the other two. We didn't do anything to them, it appeared they came in drugged." Blake walked out of his office and towards a dark corridor.

The music grew louder as they neared the dance floor. He opened a door and stepped in. His hand moved from Austen to the wall and flicked on the lights.

"Well it looks like I don't have a choice but to work with you since these two scampered off." He smirked and flicked off the light, going in the other direction.

"We'll find them, but why can't you release Arian?"

The demon shushed him and knocked on a door. Receiving no response, he turned the knob. Arian was on the floor, pinned down by a wolf. The two were rolling around fighting as Arian gained the upper hand, the wolf got off him and began to snarl at the two. Blake raised a brow and Arian came running over.

"The wolf is so nice! Have you met Antonio yet?" Arian smiled as he looked back at Antonio who laid on the floor with his tail swishing.

"Yes, he released his pheromones on me." Austen grumbled and pointed to his eyes.

"You mean dog! Apologise this instant!" Arian huffed at the wolf who grumbled before shifting back to his human form.

The wolf gripped onto Arian, glaring at Austen as if he was marking his territory. "My apologies for releasing my pheromones, I was curious what your shifting background was, along with Blake here."

Austen glared at Blake who huffed before putting him down. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at Antonio and Arian. His glare was matched by Antonio's as the two began to stare the other down. Blake tsked and pulled Austen back as he started to get too close to the wolf.

"Why do you want to know my history so bad? It has nothing to do with you!" He seethed and the wolf snarled at him.

"Get out of my room." The wolf's eyes flickered and his pheromones began to escape as his anger rose.

Austen hissed and stepped back before he was hit with the pheromones once more. He faltered and his knees collapsed from under him. His eyes grew heavy as the pheromones overwhelmed him. Blake said something to the wolf before helping Austen out.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't know it had gotten this far already. Are you alright?" Austen let out a final cry before falling to the floor and shifting.

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