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"Only in darkness eyes are awaken to see the light."

Rox -

He usually didn't have cases like these. In a town like this, not many people stole, and those that did didn't make an exit like these two did. They danced for the camera at the local shop, and were barely standing when the police arrived. The two wobbled and with slurred speech admitted to stealing. As the police tried to handcuff them, they appeared to get sober and sprint off.

Since they dashed down an alleyway, Rox had to run instead of take his motorcycle. He was on their heels, they were close, but just far enough away where he couldn't catch them even with his taser. The two jumped over barriers and side stepped holes in the ground like they had done this before. His footsteps mimicked theirs, having chased many people down these alleyways.

"Well it's a dead end, how about we give the cop a run for his money?" The one stood tall with a large bag full of jewelry.

The two grinned in unison before turning to look at Rox. They lifted guns from out of the air and he Rox pulled his out of holster. The two fired their guns and disappeared. With a thump of the heart, Rox did as well.

Opening his eyes, Rox froze at the sight before him. He was floating in space, he could breathe, so he know this was not normal space. His radio went off, reminding him that he was indeed awake. Rox floated around, looking around at the vast emptiness of space.

A beam of light shot out from above him and Rox was spent spirialing down into it. His eyes fluttered open once more as he was falling down onto Earth. He tried to look for something to grab onto to slow his fall. Rox held his breath as he neared the alleyway he stood in moments ago.

"Ay, you just fell from the sky yah? Eh, don't worry about it, happens all the time." Rox stopped moments before hitting the ground and looked up at a woman vaping.

With every breath she took, she got older and her cough got worse. Her face looked sunken in from the nicotine and coughed like she was ill. The woman looked like she was high on something, looking at Rox with a delerious expression. Turning, a floating demon followed behind her and Rox had to rub his eyes to make sure he was seeing correctly.

His shirt was picked up by a large man wearing a trenchcoat and glasses. He was held up to the man's chest and he leaned forward to sniff his neck. With a small smile, the man lifted up his glasses and placed him back down. Rox looked at him with his arms crossed across the chest.

"You're not from around here are ya? Smells like another Earth, y'all are joining us on Earth-666." The man points to a gigantic red hole in the center of the city with people trying to crawl in and out of it.

"No I'm not from here. How do I go back home?" The man chuckles under his breath and pulls Rox into the alley.

"My apologies for the terrible accent. Everyone here talks so different than back home. Do you know what Earth you're from?" Rox peered up at him with a confused expression.

"I thought you were joking. I'm from Earth, the one without the massive hole?" The man frowns and takes off his jacket, motioning for Rox to put it on.

"You have no idea do you?" the man looks at Rox for a response but recieves nothing and groans, "I can travel through the cosmos, and it appears that you can too. Since you don't know, your parents died while you were young right?"

Rox shook his head and the man stood dumbfounded again. He placed his hand on his hip and brought his wrist to his eyes. His gaze flickered from the watch to Rox until he smiled. The man hooked onto Rox's arm and guided him out onto the street.

"You can call me David until I trust you, sound okay?" Rox didn't respond, holding onto his arm as everyone's demons followed around them, giving him dirty looks.

The two turned to another alley that was lit. Rox looked up at David as he scanned the area, nearly dragging him into it. They made their way until it was no longer lit. Rox could barely see David as he nudged him against the wall.

"Play along, it'll be alright." David kissed his forehead as a large man came strolling down.

"Ay, long time no see man. Got a new toy ah, I'll leave you two alone, after I get a looksie." The man came over and his demon made a small ball of light.

Rox cringed and hid in David's coat, looking up with only his eyes. The man reached up to touch his hair but David stopped him. His voice turned to a growl as he told him to leave. The man grinned and trotted away.

"What was that?" Rox exclaimed with a frown.

"I've brought many Lost here, including you. This is the best area I've found so far to try to travel on this world. It's secluded from people once Dave looks at who I bring." David looked down on Rox before pulling him into a hug.

"Will I be able to go home?" Rox began to shake at the thought of never returning home to his family or friends.

"We'll find a way for you to get home, whether that's with me or your family. I'll see what I can do, but first off, we need to see the extent to which you can travel."

David took Rox's hands into his and with a small smile the two disappeared. The two were teleported back to space and Rox smiled. He found the silence comforting as they floated. David smiled and guided Rox to a small floating island where they could land.

"I was here before, but I didn't see this island. Why is it here now?" David looked at Rox with surprise.

"You shouldn't have come here without practice. I'm surprised you were able to. Only those that have practiced enough can conjure places like these. Now let's test your powers." David landed first and carried Rox down with him so he didn't fall.

Rox sat down across from David and relaxed. He thought about his family at home with a smile. His mind wandered to him with one of his cats and dogs at the fireplace and he felt zen. Opening his eyes, he let out a laugh when David had dog ears and a tail.

"Well that was unexpected, kitten." David winked and Rox's face grew hot as he felt his tail swish behind him.

"Should we practice your travel now? I know the perfect place. Follow me." David extended his hand and Rox took it.

The two walked side by side to a golden platform on one part of the island. Once the two stepped on it, a rainbow bridge shot out to infinity. Rox smiled and held onto David as he looked out. David smiled in return and pulled him close.

"This bridge will help us travel. It will channel your energy. I want you to think of Earth but with people that look like us." David let out a bark at the end and the two laughed.

"Alright, I'll try," Rox murmured before relaxing once more.

He held onto David and felt a tug in his heart. Rox gripped onto the string that tugged his heart and felt a weird sensation come over him. He looked up at David to see him glowing as he watched Rox. David encouraged him once more until the two disappeared.

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