Omake 3: Rainy Morning

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It was a rainy morning on a Saturday. The sound of water droplets hitting the ground outside was like a lullaby to those who slept in on this morning. The thick curtain of the room was already good at its job of blocking the sunlight. On a day like this, where the sunlight was already naturally blocked by the dark rain clouds, you couldn't even tell it was already 10 am in the morning. At some point Ryousuke woke up, thinking it was still the middle of night, since it was so dark. His body felt especially groggy and heavy during these kind of dark and rainy days. Even though his eyes were still closed, he was somehow conscious. He recognized that he was no longer dreaming, and he was in bed.

He rolled to the side, and wrapped his arm around the small sleeping body beside him. He snuggled his face into the nape of her neck, and breathed in her cherry blossom scented hair. His lips curled up uncontrollably as his nose recognized the sweet and calming aroma of his girlfriend's favorite shampoo. He couldn't help but start planting soft butterfly kisses on the back of her neck.

"Ryou-san, stop...." his girlfriend whined sleepily, barely choking out those words. There's no blaming her for being so tired. In order to finish her final essay for her Principles of Finance class, she stayed up until 2 in the morning. Being a college sophomore is pretty tough these days, not gonna lie. However, the more she begged him to stop, the more excited Ryousuke gets. That's just the kind of man he is in bed. He continued to plant kisses on her, trailing from her neck to the center of her back. His hand started tickling under her shirt naughtily, and slowly, slowly crept upwards, towards her soft, voluptuous- "Ryou-san STOP! LET ME SLEEP!" Tatsune cried out loud, and she grabbed the pillow under her head and slammed it over Ryousuke's face. The man let out a soft 'oof,' quickly muffled by the pillow in his face.

The pink haired man took the pillow off his face, and opened those always sly looking slit eyes of his, and saw his girlfriend laying down on her side, without a pillow. She was truly tired. He loves teasing her, but he was a man who knew when to stop. He lifted her head and stuffed her pillow under. The man then sat up from the bed, and grabbed his phone. It was already 10:30.

"Meow!" The sound of the cat meowing and scratching the door became more apparent as Ryousuke became finally lost the sense of sleep in his body. He lifted his side of the blanket and crawled out of bed. He put on a pair of sweatpants which rested on the ground beside the bed. (Ryousuke sleeps in his boxers.) He didn't forget to kiss his sleeping beauty on the lips before leaving the bedroom to feed the cat. "Come on Wataame, don't wake your mom up," Ryousuke said to the ragdoll cat on the floor.

She laid down on her back as soon as Ryousuke opened the bedroom door. She stretched her soft flexible body before him, as if showing off. Ryousuke picked up her food bowl from the ground, and set it on the counter as he grabbed a can of cat food from the pantry. The fluffy cat skidded over to the pink haired male, and jumped onto the counter, and watched him mix the canned food with her dry food. Her sky blue orbs staring at the food bowl with excitement.

Ryousuke put the food bowl on the ground, and went to clean out her litter box. He had bought her last Christmas as a Christmas present for Tatsune, since she had mentioned multiple times that she wanted a cat.

After serving the cat, he went back to the bedroom and laid down next to his girlfriend. She wasn't as sound asleep as before. Noticing his return, she turned her body over and wrapped her arms around his shirtless torso. Ryousuke smiled. He planted a loving kiss on her forehead, and asked, "What do you want to eat for lunch?"

"What about breakfast...?" asked Tatsune groggily.

"It's way past that," Ryousuke chuckled, kissing her again, this time on the lips. Out of reflexes, Tatsune returned the kiss. Ryousuke took that as an invite, and turned it into a heated make out session. By the time he was satisfied, Tatsune was already wide awake, and a blushing mess. "Good morning princess."

"You jerk..." she muttered.

"Yes, but I'm your jerk. Only to you, and only in bed," the pink haired man whispered huskily. "Now, Tatsune-chan.... Care for some morning in bed exercise?"

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