Chapter 8

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 Haruichi was genuinely intrigued by the third year manager before him. The team had just finished a game, and were heading back to the bus, but Tatsune was busy typing away on her phone. Nobody had to ask to know that she was reporting today's game to either Ryousuke or Yuuki. Seeing the girl so focused on her phone, the boy couldn't help but wonder....

"Say, Tatsune-senpai and Aniki...they don't tend to fight, do they?" Haruichi didn't really mean it as a legit question, but more of an unsure observation.

"Fight? Well sure they do, pretty often if you ask me," Kuramochi replied matter of factly.

"Ehhh?! Seriously?" Haruichi gasped. He's seen them together for a year now, and he's never witnessed the two fight, making it hard to believe.

"Yeah, the amount they bicker is actually quite impressive. Usually over small things though," Miyuki agreed.


"Like salt or soy sauce, which one has more flavor, stuff like that," Miyuki answered.

"And by the way your brother said salt while Tatsune-chan said soy sauce," Kuramochi clarified. No one needed to know that, Haruichi thought.

"I mean, did they ever have like legit fight?" Haruichi asked.

"Of course, it was pretty soon after they started dating, wasn't it Kuramochi?" Miyuki turned to his classmate.

"Oh yeah yeah! I remember, man that was seriously quite a big fight!" Kuramochi recalled.

"Eh? What!? What?! I wanna hear!" Sawamura popped in.

"Geh! You again!" Miyuki groaned.

"What about me?!" the pitcher demanded. The senior catcher only sighed. This was the grave he dug for himself, so there was no helping it. Plus it's been a while since they told stories about the former second baseman and their beloved manager.

"Well you guys remember how Ryou-san stopped her classmates from bullying? Well, that wasn't quite true. The bullying didn't really end there," Miyuki started.

Tatsune patted her gym shirt off. She definitely can't wear this one today. Someone had dumped it in the trash can; it took her forever to find it. The girl sighed as she took the shirt out and walked away. Things like this has been happening repeatedly since she started dating Ryousuke. She kept it a secret from him so he doesn't get distracted. After all, winter break is almost coming up, and Christmas as well. She wouldn't wanna burden him while he's so busy with baseball.

Tatsune returned to the changing room, where her classmates where changing for gym. She could see from the corner of her eyes that a few of her female classmates were snicker at her. "Ew, what's that smell?" a girl said.

"Yeah, smells like the trash can," said another.

"Yuuki, don't tell me it's your shirt we're smelling," a girl said as she came closer. The girl pinched her nose after she got to a certain distance. "Oh my god I was right! How can you even wear such a thing!"

"Gross," a girl said as she walked out. Other girls who had nothing to do with this looked at each other, worry in their eyes, but they didn't dare speak out or defend Tatsune, for they would be next. One by one, the girls walked out, leaving Tatsune alone. The girl sighed. It was smart of her to wear a t-shirt within her uniform. She undressed and got into her jerseys.

It was really cold outside, so Seidou has been having indoor gym for winter. Once Tatsune got to the gym, she was no longer alone. The girl was welcomed by Kuramochi and Miyuki, and the three stuck together for the rest of class.

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