Omake 4: Kiss

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The first year managers were making rice balls for the team's afternoon snack. During harsh training camps, the players need a large amount of food to sustain their excruciatingly harsh physical activities. "So, Tatsune, have you and Kominato-senpai kissed?" asked Umemoto Sachiko. She wiggled her brows at her fellow first year manager. 

"Y-Yes..." Tatsune mumbled as she blushed. She and Ryousuke have been dating for three months now. And with Ryousuke's shameless personality, they actually had their first kiss as soon as they were official. Ryousuke, though he doesn't necessarily rush things, tends to live at a pretty fast pace. 

"Kyaa! When was the first kiss?" asked Natsukawa Yui. 

"F-....First date..." Tatsune admitted. 

"Who initiated?" asked Sachiko.


"Kyaaaa! That's so cute!" Sachiko cooed. "What about you? Have you tried kissing him?"

"Eh?" Tatsune's eyes widened. Now that she thought about it, it's always Ryousuke that's initiating the kisses. Sometimes he'd just pull her over and peck her on the lips randomly, or he'd lean in slowly and plat a passionate kiss on her lips. However, Tatsune herself has never tried to kiss him before. "N-No....?"

"What? Why not?" Yui asked.

"I-I mean... I can't, it's-...embarrassing..." Tatsune blushed.

Sachiko frowned. "What's so embarrassing about kissing your own boyfriend?" she asked. Tatsune's eyes widened. Now that Sachiko puts it that way.... But still, just the thought of Ryousuke's grinning face made Tatsune blush like crazy, and heartbeat for wild, and want to hide herself in a hole. There's no way she can kiss him! She'll die.

"Well, Tatsune-chan is just shy," said Yui. "Don't give her a hard time, Sachiko."

Sachiko, however, didn't look satisfied at all. "Well I get that you're shy and all, but you seriously gotta consider returning his affection, or else he might think you don't like him and break up with you," she said.

"Ehhh?" Tatsune exclaimed in horror. No way.... Would Ryousuke really think that? 

"Stop scaring Tatsune-chan, look how pale her face got!" someone's voice suddenly interrupts Tatsune's thoughts.

"Takako-senpai!" the first years exclaimed when they saw the second year manager come in. Takako walked over to the sink to wash her hands before helping the first years out with the onigiri. She smiled gently at her underclassmen. The older girl raised a brow when she saw Tatsune's pale, and horrified expression. 

"Don't listen to her Tatsune-chan. Kominato-kun isn't someone like that," Takako said assuringly.

"You don't know tha- Oof!" Sachiko held onto her gut where Yui just elbowed her. She shot the short haired girl a slight glare, but at the same time she also knew that she probably shouldn't have said that. While she may be a quick mouthed girl, Sachiko meant no harm. Words tend to come straight out of her mouth, without ever passing her head... However, once she saw the look in Tatsune's eyes, she regretted saying what she said. Tatsune is a girl who lacks self confidence. Instead of scaring her, she should be encouraging her. Sachiko decided to stay quiet after that. 

Despite so, what she said stuck in Tatsune's mind for the rest of the day. She thought Sachiko was right to some extent. She can't be the one always on the receiving end. She has to show him some affection once in a while as well. But maybe that's still too high of a hurdle for her at the moment? She stood in a daze in front of the vending machine at the end of the day. She let out a long sigh as she placed some coin inside. 

"What are you sighing for?"

"Wahh!" Tatsune spun around, to find her boyfriend standing right behind her. He raised a brow at her.

"What are you spacing out for Tatsune-chan? Could it be..." he smirked. "You're thinking about me?"

"W-Wha- O-O-O-Of course not!" Tatsune shook her head violently, trying to persuade him that he wasn't actually right. 

"Heh~" Ryousuke leaned in until he was only centimeters away from her face. "That hurts, you should think about me more." Tatsune's eyes widened. You seriously gotta consider returning his affection, or else he might think you don't like him and break up with you, Sachiko's voice echoed in her head. Shes's right. Tatsune really does need to make her love for him more obvious, or else Ryousuke would get hurt. Ryousuke didn't notice the nervous expression on his girlfriend's face, and turned to take a look at the vending machine. "What are you gonna get? The tomato juice is pretty good..." 

I have to do it, Tatsune thought. At least a peck on the cheek. I have to show him that I like him! And so she made up her mind. She stared at his face with determination. Ryousuke was still checking out the vending machine and recommending drinks to her, which makes now the perfect timing. She tipped her toe, closed her eyes tightly, and started to lean in... "...Oh but look, there's strawberry milk. Don't you li-" just as Ryousuke turned his face to ask his girlfriend if she wanted strawberry milk, he felt a pair of soft, warm lips touch his, and his eyes widened.

Tatsune opened her eyes when the cheek she was supposed to be kissing felt a little bit off. Once her eyes opened, her golden orbs locked with shocked looking cherry blossom pink ones. "Ahh!" she jumped back, knocking her elbow on a button. For a moment the air was silent, and the only thing you could hear was the sound of her drink dropping down in the vending machine. Ryousuke was still a little awestruck by what just happened, as if his brain suddenly short circuited. Oh god, oh god. He's going to tease me, Tatsune thought, closing her eyes in embarrassment, covering her beet red face with her hands. However, instead of words of teasing, Tatsune heard a light cough. She opened her eyes and peeked between her fingers, to see Ryousuke turning his face to the side.

"R-Ryou-san are you blushing?" Tatsune asked.

"N-No I'm not."

"You're blushing, I can see it."

"Tatsune-chan." Ryousuke finally turned his head to face her, showing the his reddened cheeks as well as his frowning face. He chopped her softly on the head, and said, "Cheeky." 

A/N: a lot of my teachers started piling big projects on me, so I'm gonna be taking a break from writing for the week. So I'm afraid I won't be able to update next week. Hopefully I'll be back the week after!

Our Love Story (Kominato Ryosuke x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя