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"Life is not the end, & Death is just the beginning..." ~ Rebecca McNutt.

Everyone knows that Death comes for all-good or bad. However Isabelle was not ready to embrace it, not when she was the happiest. For months she waited for this day, to have a baby girl, and now she's running for the little Fate that she can cling on to. How could Destiny be so harsh on her!? She was nothing but an angel on earth. The people she trusted, the people that she called 'family' did this to her. And she'll need another lifetime to pay her enemies with vengeance. But being vindictive was not enough. Afterall what about her baby girl still inside of her, yet to see the world & the difficult ways of it. Death wasn't kind. Isabelle knew that. It snatched where it could, taking people who were too young, too good. It didn't pretend to care. It didn't pretend to distinguish. So when finally she saw a faded hooded figure, She didn't question. The hooded vale of death had hung over the world for a long time, always threatening. But it had never touched Isabelle so close. Death was now going to rip away a part of her, a part so close.
"Isabelle, it's time. Let go of your memories, it'll be easier", a voice as deep as the thunder called out.
"I...I", she stuttered out, "Are you...that figure...are you Death?" She spoke out slowly as if every word that she utters will cause her immense pain. Her messy auburn hair turned even more red with the fresh blood stains, as she laid lifeless on the snow bed that was now bleeding.
"Isabelle, I'm trying to ease out your pain. Don't make this more difficult."
"If you... are indeed...who I think you are, then please grant me one last wish", the woman begged with the little energy left in her.
If he wouldn't have been as dark as the night itself, then his shocked expression would have been visible. Afterall no-one pleads to him, the Reaper himself. He's not the one to grant wishes. He can't.
"Please save my daughter", if she could move even a little then she would grab his feet and beg, but no matter what, she won't take a no for an answer. The only hope that's left in her was her unborn child, and how could she let go of that hope just because she trusted some fools.
"Isabelle, I'm no God. I can't decide who lives or who dies. As much as I'm concerned, I only take souls that have lived their share to the other world."
"You want me to b... believe that the child has lived her share, when... she didn't even see a single day..."
She had good reason. How can the Reaper say that her unborn child has lived her share. For Christ's sake she didn't even see the light. It all sounded so dark, so evil, so heartless. Then again was the Reaper suppose to have a heart.
"Isabelle, your daughter is not to be born. Come with me. You'll be happier."
"I will not accept this fate... I won't let my daughter be succumbed darkness... to you," the woman was flustered but not ready to give up, her pain doesn't matter right now. Indeed a mother does everything for her child. And for a moment she got through the Reaper. That moment -that cursed moment that changed it all.
"I don't know why, but I'll listen to you, just so that you don't have any grievance when you enter the other side."
And with that the human went into labour. Isabelle had no idea that she was so strong to handle labour pain when she was already covered in blood and scars -top to bottom. Yet she did it.
"THIS IS NOT MY JOB. THIS IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF MY JOB", howled the Reaper, disgusted with what he was doing. And the last thing that Isabelle perhaps would have remembered was a shrill cry of a newborn, deafening the silence. The sweetest sound that she could perhaps end her life with. She smiled a frail smile as eternal darkness embraced her, leaving the baby on a bed of snow, hoping that she'll live longer than her.

"Do you know what you have done?" enquired a very perplexed woman. Angelic might have another definition upon meeting her. Her platinum locks were beautifully plaited with few strands left loose. She was a damsel. Her voice was every bit as beautiful as her glamour. She stood up from her crystal throne and let her white dress sway to the course of wind.
"Reaper, did you forget your job? How could you change-"
"Change the fate of that baby girl, the fate that you have pronounced yourself", he dared to cut off her sentence in the middle. He dared and he knew this won't be taken lightly. But he was the Reaper as well, the feared Reaper.
"Humans fear me and worship you, when it should be just the opposite. How ironic", he smirked, and who could have thought that the Devil had a gorgeous smirk.
If the Angel's pretty face could show anger, then she was burning with rage right now.
"Before you continue with your babbles. I know I follow orders. Orders that you pronounce. And I broke one today. I myself don't know what happened to me. But-but, anyways if I deserve to be punished, which I know I do, then feel free to."
The lady was amused, no wonder the Reaper was known to be fearless. It's not possible for everyone to just stand up to her and here he was accepting his fault.
"Reaper, you disobeyed me. You disobeyed my command and you broke your own oath. Indeed you deserve to be punished. But what retribution can be lethal to you. You changed my verdict today, Destiny's verdict, and I'll make sure you regret it. The girl you saved today, will be the reason you loose everything one day. She'll break all hell loose", echoed the cruel pronouncement through the tall crystal corridors.
But this wasn't enough for the Reaper. He didn't even flinch, instead the crystal castle was filled with enormous laughter, "Loose you say? Loose? Didn't you hear about the cold hands of Death. I'm that Death. The Grim Reaper. And you think that girl will make me loose everything. Did I ever have anything, Princess? As cold as it could get, I'm only a messenger, someone who bring back souls, when you summon them. I'm as empty as a shell, a vessel."
With no further word, the Reaper conjured his charriot as dark as him and flew across the clouds with his Sycthe in one hand, leaving a fuming Destine behind.

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