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•Hello I'm Kim y/n I'm 19 about to be 20. There is really nothing special about me I was a girl that loved to read , write, paint , dancing in her room .But I find no joy to do it anymore because my life is like hell because my father. My father doesn't want me anywhere near his company.My father is a cold man who doesn't speak to me anymore because what has happened to my mother.I mean I am in pain also my mother, my person, my best friend just passed away I miss her like hell but nobody seem to care about me. Not even my brother Kim taehyung he used to be my caring brother, my best friend, the person that care about me the most. But when he joined my father in business he was heartless, cold towards me didn't even care about my existence .I don't understand why?

•Hello I'm Jeon  Jungkook Im 23.Im a man that gets what he wants like women, money,drugs ,To be head mafia boss . I'm already rich have expensive cars, house I don't need anybody's pity.But Im so close to become the next head mafia boss of my fathers company .My father already told me that I have to Marry Kim Y/n when she turned 20 to become the next mafia boss . I mean I did disagree he is basically giving me what I want and to marry a beautiful women is just a bonus.I will mostly use her for my needs.

In the gang 
Suga, Jin, rm, j hope, Jimin, jungkook

In the gang  Suga, Jin, rm, j hope, Jimin, jungkook

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Just imagine no taehyung

"My mafia husband"// jungkook ffWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt